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Wienerberger AG

ots Ad hoc-Service: Wienerberger Baustoffind. <AT0000831706> WBI

Vienna (ots Ad hoc-Service) -

Ad hoc-announcement edited and sent by DGAP. The sender is solely
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Wienerberger Managing Board
Generation change on May 20, 2001 (German version below)
Following a recommendation by the Managing Board and supported by
a comprehensive analysis from the well-known consulting firm, Egon
Zehnder International, the Supervisory Board of Wienerberger
Baustoffindustrie AG announces a generation change in management. The
resolutions passed today will take effect on May 20, 2001.
This date marks the end of contracts with Erhard Schaschl (57),
who has led the Wienerberger Group as CEO for over 20 years, and Paul
Tanos (56), member of the Managing Board since 1988. Both have asked
not to be nominated for an additional term of office in order to
permit a change of generations in Group management.
Wolfgang Reithofer (51), youngest member of the present Managing
Board and Vice-Chairman under Erhard Schaschl, will remain with
Wienerberger. His contract has been renewed for a five-year period
and he has been appointed CEO, thereby ensuring continuity on the
Managing Board. Three managers from the Wienerberger Group have been
appointed members of the Managing Board, with a three-year term of
office beginning on May 20, 2001:
- Johann Windisch (48) has 20 years of experience at Wienerberger
and was previously responsible for brick activities in Central, South
and East Europe - Hans Tschuden (41) has worked at Wienerberger for
11 years, and is currently in charge of the Pipe Systems and Sewage
Technology segment - Heimo Scheuch (34), has been with Wienerberger
for four years and supervised brick activities in Belgium, Holland
and France.
All three have been members of Wienerberger Executive Group
Management, which was installed in 1999. They have extensive
international experience and are therefore well prepared to assume
these key positions. With respect to the division of duties among the
members of the Managing Board, Wolfgang Reithofer as CEO will be
responsible for general strategy and corporate development, key
personnel, corporate communications, the US brick business, joint
ventures and real estate.
Hans Tschuden will head corporate finance, information technology,
human resource management, and e-commerce. Together with Wolfgang
Reithofer, he will supervise the Group's joint ventures. Johann
Windisch will be responsible for building materials activities in
Central, South and East Europe plus the coordination of
technology/engineering and purchasing for the Group. Heimo Scheuch
will oversee building materials activities in West and North Europe
with a focus on the facing brick business, and will also coordinate
marketing for the Group. The new Wienerberger Managing Board will
consist of a Chief Executive Officer, two Chief Operating Officers
and a Chief Financial Officer with a well-balanced division of
Erhard Schaschl, who will remain as CEO until May 20, 2001, views
this management transformation as a high point of his 21year career
at Wienerberger: "This significantly younger management board has
grown and developed within the Group, and will not only ensure
continuity but also bring new vitality into the organization. This
team will continue to build on today's solid foundation and use the
Group's established international position to lead Wienerberger into
a successful future."
Wienerberger Baustoffindustrie AG The Managing Board - Vienna,
December 15, 2000 For additional information contact: Erhard
Schaschl, CEO, Tel.: +43(1) 60192-410 Thomas Melzer, IR and PR, Tel.:
+43(1) 60192-471, E- Mail:

Original content of: Wienerberger AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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