ots Ad hoc-Service: Wienerberger Baustoffind. <AT0000831706> Preliminary Results for 2000
Vienna (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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Sales in EUR million 1999 2000 Change Wall, Ceiling and Roofing Systems 857.8 1,076.2 +25 Pipe Systems and Sewage Technology 304.7 418.6 +37 Total Building Materials 1,162.5 1,494.8 +29 Financial Investments 175.0 170.9 -2 Total Group 1,337.5 1,665.7 +25
EBIT in EUR million 1999 2000 Change Wall, Ceiling and Roofing Systems 116.6 140.3 +20 Pipe Systems and Sewage Technology 19.9 20.2 +2 Total Building Materials 136.5 160.5 +18 Financial Investments 51.3 90.5 +76 Total Group 187.8 251.0 +34
Group sales increased by 25% to EUR 1,665.7 million. EBIT rose by an impressive 34% to EUR 251.0 million. These record results were made possible by one-time gains of EUR 50.6 million on the sale of Treibacher and EUR 29.8 million from the sale of Wipark. High growth was also recorded in building materials activities with +29% in sales and +18% in EBIT. Particularly high rates of growth were registered in Eastern Europe: sales in the Reform Countries increased by 24% to EUR 297.1 million and EBIT improved by 48% to EUR 56.8 million. In the USA, a booming economy and strong Dollar helped General Shale record by far the best results in its history with EBIT of nearly EUR 40 million. Thereby the Group was able to more than offset substantial volume and price declines in Germany and Austria as well as a massive rise in energy costs. Organic sales growth for building materials activities reached a level of +3%. In contrast, EBIT suffered a temporary organic decline of 3%. Results from the last two business years and the unsatisfactory price of the Wienerberger stock will not fulfill the ambitious goals of the Group's Performance Share Plan. Still, there is a sense of achievement: if the German market and energy costs had performed according to forecast, these challenging goals would have been exceeded by a large margin. One positive result of this first Performance Share Plan is a stronger bonding of the Value Management philosophy with our corporate culture. To make 2000 a real "Year of Harvest" for Wienerberger shareholders, the Managing Board will recommend that the Annual General Meeting approve a significant increase in dividends.
Wienerberger Baustoffindustrie AG The Managing Board Vienna, February 9, 2001
For additional information contact: Thomas Melzer, IR and PR, Tel.: +43(1) 60192-471, E-Mail: investor@wienerberger.com
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