ots Ad hoc-Service: Wienerberger Baustoffind. <AT0000831706>
Vienna (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
Ad hoc-announcement edited and sent by DGAP. The sender is solely responsible for the contents of this announcement.
At the turn of the year 2000/01 Wienerberger decisively strengthened its market position in the Reform Countries of Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary with investments of approximately EUR 30 million.
In Poland two plants were acquired in Zlocieniec and Zieleniec with a joint capacity of 55 million SBU (Standard Brick Units = standard format for hollow bricks). In order to utilize synergy, the existing organization in Warsaw will be responsible for administration and sales in the future. In addition, the newly constructed hollow brick plant in Gnaszyn started operations at the turn of the year. This plant has a capacity of 140 million SBU and will strengthen our activities in southern Poland. Wienerberger now operates nine plants with a total capacity of roughly 700 million SBU and holds a 26% share of the brick market in this largest Reform Country. Our goal is to further increase market share and to develop an extensive supply network with Wienerberger "Porotherm" bricks.
In the Czech Republic we acquired the Prestice hollow brick plant, which is located in West Bohemia and currently produces 40 million SBU per year with 55 employees. This acquisition will expand Wienerberger's strong market position in the Czech Republic to cover West Bohemia and provide opportunities for synergy through integration in our existing organization.
In Hungary we were able to acquire the remaining shares in Dunantuli Teglagyarak Rt. at year-end. Dunantuli operates three brick plants in Kisber, Pannonhalma and Teskand with a total capacity of 130 million SBU.
The Reform Countries of Eastern Europe are home to a population of 120 million and traditional hollow brick markets in which Wienerberger holds a number of excellent positions. At this time, we manufacture at 41 brick plants in 7 countries. During the prior year, the brick segment generated sales of EUR 201 million and record EBIT of EUR 50 million. Since 1995, sales in our core business have risen by 39% each year and operating profit by an outstanding 62%. We view this as first impressive proof of our strategy and the high growth potential inherent in these countries.
Wienerberger Baustoffindustrie AG The Managing Board Vienna, February 9, 2001 For additional information contact: Thomas Melzer, IR and PR, Tel.: +43(1) 60192-471, E-Mail: investor@wienerberger.com
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Original content of: Wienerberger AG, transmitted by news aktuell