ots Ad hoc-Service: PC-WARE Info. Technolo. <DE0006910904> PC-Ware appointed exclusive service provider to Germany's public sector for the use of Attachmate and Computer Associates software
Leipzig (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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PC-Ware Information Technologies AG, Leipzig, the Berlin-based Landesbetrieb für Informationstechnik (LIT) and software companies Attachmate International Sales GmbH and CA Computer Associates GmbH have signed agreements under which PC-Ware becomes the German public sector's exclusive service provider for the effective procurement, consulting and support of software produced by Attachmate or Computer Associates. The two-year agreements have an estimated volume of DM 3.5 million (Attachmate) and DM 8 million (Computer Associates), respectively.
PC-Ware can supply the public sector with Attachmate and Computer Associates software with immediate effect. The objective of the agreements is to ensure that PC-Ware offers all public-sector entities optimum terms and conditions, guarantees maximum availability of licenses and add-ons, provides qualified support as well as assistance in concrete projects. PC-Ware AG has signed separate agreements with Attachmate and Computer Associates under which all of the above services will be provided.
PC-Ware Information Technologies AG Beate Sailer Investor Relations Tel: 0341 2568 000 Fax: 0341 2568 999 e-mail: investor.relations@pc-ware.de
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