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Andritz AG

EANS-Voting Rights: Andritz AG
Publication of an Announcement after art. 93 BörseG with the objective of Europe-web publication

  Notification of voting rights transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is
  responsible for the content of this announcement.
Release according to article 93 BörseG with the aim of a Europe-wide

Person/company obliged to make the notification:

Name:    FMR LLC
Place:   Boston, Massachusetts
State:   USA

On March 28, 2014, ANDRITZ AG was informed that FMR LLC (Fidelity Management &
Research), an American corporation whose business address is c/o Fidelity
Investments, 245 Summer Street, Boston, Massachusetts 02210, United States and
its direct and indirect subsidiaries hold approximately 5.47% of ANDRITZ AG
shares. The 5% threshold was crossed on March 26, 2014. FMR LLC now holds
5,693,261 shares of ANDRITZ AG.

The names of the subsidiaries and their individual stakes in detail:
                                              Shares held          %*)
FIDELITY INTL SMALL CAP FUND        FMR       96,612               0.0929%
FA DIVERSIFIED INTERNATIONAL        FMRCO     52,900               0.0509%
FID INTL GRWTH INVEST TRUST         FMRCO     52,400               0.0504%
FID INTL GROWTH FND                 FMRCO     5,400                0.0052%
FID DIVERSIFIED INTERNATIONAL       FMRCO     670,400              0.6446%
FID DIVERSIFIED INTL CP T16847      FMRCO     5,500                0.0053%
FID EUROPE FUND                     FMRCO     137,700              0.1324%
FID INTL CAP APPRECIATION FUND      FMRCO     41,796               0.0402%
FID SERIES INTL GROWTH FUND         FMRCO     2,547,198            2.4492%
FID SRS INTL SMALL CAP FD           FMRCO     516,024              0.4962%
WORLDWIDE NON-US EQUITY SUB         FMRCO     28,200               0.0271%
FID GLBL BAL EUROPEAN EQTY SUB      FMRCO     10,100               0.0097%
FA INTL CAPITAL APPRECIATION        FMRCO     6,146                0.0059%
FID INTL EQ CF INDUSTRIALS SUB      FMRCO     154,400              0.1485%
FID INTL DISCOVERY FUND             FMRCO     306,300              0.2945%
FIMM LLC INTL SMALL CAP PILOT       FMRCO     169                  0.0002%
FID TOTAL INTL EQ DEV GRW SUB       FMRCO     26,405               0.0254%
FID TOTAL INTL EQ SM CAP SUB        FMRCO     2,556                0.0025%
FIDELITY INTERNATIONAL GROWTH       FMRCO     147,197              0.1415%
INTL SMALL CAP OPPORTUNITIES        FMRCO     900                  0.0009%
OVERSEAS FUND                       FMRCO     236,000              0.2269%
FIMM LCC STK SELECT GBL PLT IN      FMRCO     200                  0.0002%
VIP INTERNATIONAL CAP APP FUND      FMRCO     4,758                0.0046%
AST FI PYR AA INT VALUE T52900      PGALLC    24,200               0.0233%
AST FI PYR AA SEL INTL T28558       PGALLC    38,300               0.0368%
BANK OF MONTREAL S INTL T55349      PGALLC    7,600                0.0073%
SSF-EUE-CF82                        PGALLC    8,500                0.0082%
Chev UK Pen Sel Gl Sub T27009       PGALLC    1,900                0.0018%
Chevron US Sel GL Sub T27006        PGALLC    6,700                0.0064%
HQ SLCT INTL INV AACT T55492        PGALLC    18,300               0.0176%
PYRAMIS SLCT INTL EQ TR T55106      PGALLC    23,800               0.0229%
ABRPPVM CELECT EUROPE T55518        PGALLC    4,700                0.0045%
NATIONAL BANK SLCT GLBL T55507      PGALLC    7,900                0.0076%
PYR CANA SEL GLBL EQ TR T55281      PGALLC    13,500               0.0130%
UAW RMBT SEL INTL T55189            PGALLC    15,000               0.0144%
GUIDEMARK WORLD EX US T5370         PGALLC    9,600                0.0092%
GM CAD HR SELECT INTL T55533        PGALLC    4,900                0.0047%
GM CAD SEL INTL T55633              PGALLC    1,200                0.0012%
IBRD PEBP SEL INTL PORT T27221      PGALLC    1,300                0.0013%
NPFA SG                             PGALLC    10,300               0.0099%
SAI INTL VALUE PYR SUB T53286       PGALLC    7,700                0.0074%
SAI SELCT INTL PYR SUB T53287       PGALLC    11,800               0.0113%
PYR SELECT INTL EQ LLC T51488       PGALLC    2,800                0.0027%
SAI SEL INTL MULTI-MGR T54447       PGALLC    600                  0.0006%
RIVERSOURCE SELECT INTL T52973      PGALLC    52,700               0.0507%
TVA SEL INTL PLUS SEP T53650        PGALLC    10,100               0.0097%
ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK              PGATC     5,000                0.0048%
BP MASTER TR FOR EMP PP T55275      PGATC     12,400               0.0119%
BR SHELL RETIREMENT                 PGATC     1,600                0.0015%
CALPERS SELCT INTL PORT T55434      PGATC     35,600               0.0342%
CATERPILLAR INC 401K SI T50578      PGATC     5,100                0.0049%
DALLAS POLICE & FIRE T50092         PGATC     2,700                0.0026%
FID GLOBAL EQUITY INVESMENT TR      PGATC     700                  0.0007%
FID INTL DISCIPLINED EQUITY FD      PGATC     4,400                0.0042%
FID INTERNATIONAL EQTY INV TR       PGATC     8,100                0.0078%
FIDELITY INTERNATIONAL VALUE FD     PGATC     900                  0.0009%
PYRAMIS SELECT INTL EQ CM T319      PGATC     184,000              0.1769%
GM HOURLY-RATE SEL INTL T55193      PGATC     24,300               0.0234%
GM INVESTMENT TRUSTEES LTD          PGATC     7,700                0.0074%
GM SAL SELECT INTL PORT T53647      PGATC     5,200                0.0050%
IBM CANADA SELECT INT'L T2286       PGATC     5,500                0.0053%
OREGON INV COUNSIL CSF T55433       PGATC     4,700                0.0045%
PY SLCT GLBL EQUITY CP T51438       PGATC     3,500                0.0034%
ROYAL BOROUGH OF KINGST PEN FD      PGATC     3,800                0.0037%
SGE MM ROW                          PGATC     14,800               0.0142%
SHELL AUSTRIA PENSIONSKASSE AG      PGATC     4,700                0.0045%
FID SELECT GLB EX-JP EQ T55415      PGATC     200                  0.0002%
ILLINOIS SURS-SEL INTL T50448       PGATC     13,500               0.0130%
WORLD BANK SELECT INTL T55274       PGATC     12,200               0.0117%

*) % of total ANDRITZ AG share capital

Please note the following abbreviations:

FMR       Fidelity Management & Research
FMRCo     Fidelity Management & Research Company INC.
PGALLC    Pyramis Global Advisors LLC
PGATC     Pyramis Global Advisors Trust Company 

Further inquiry note:
Dr. Michael Buchbauer
Head of Group Treasury
Tel.: +43 316 6902 2979
Fax: +43 316 6902 465

end of announcement                               euro adhoc 

issuer:      Andritz AG
             Stattegger Straße 18
             A-8045 Graz
phone:       +43 (0)316 6902-0
FAX:         +43 (0)316 6902-415
sector:      Machine Manufacturing
ISIN:        AT0000730007
indexes:     WBI, ATX Prime, ATX, ATX five
stockmarkets: official market: Wien 
language:   English

Original content of: Andritz AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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