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Helaba reports significant growth in earnings for first three quarters

One document

Frankfurt am Main/Erfurt (ots)

   - Helaba CEO anticipates annual results will be slightly above
     previous year     
   - S-Group Bank NRW enjoys good start with balanced result
   - Central bank function for savings banks in four federal states
     strengthens Helaba's position

With group-wide earnings before taxes of EUR 407 million, Helaba sustained its positive revenue path of the first half-year in the third quarter of 2012. The increase in the result compared to the previous year amounts to EUR 36 million, or 9.7 per cent. The S- Group Bank NRW, which is included in the figures for the first time, made a balanced contribution to earnings. Hans-Dieter Brenner, CEO of Helaba, is pleased with the result: "Significant factors for the good interim results were our stable, operational business with customers and a noticeable increase in the net trading income. The growth in loan loss provisions is within a planned range and does not signal any deterioration in the creditworthiness of our customers.". Should the financial markets remain stable, Mr Brenner anticipates that earnings for the entire year of 2012 will be slightly higher than last year."


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