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OVB Holding AG

EANS-News: OVB Holding AG
Demand for good consulting grows - OVB benefits

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Financial Figures/Balance Sheet

Köln (euro adhoc) - Demand for good consulting grows -
OVB benefits

In 2012 financial year, Group surpasses three million customers mark
  for the first time

Number of consultants in Europe increases to 5,097

EBIT improved significantly by 73.0%

Dividend increase to EUR0.55 per share proposed

Target for 2013: Sales growth with further improved margin

Cologne/Frankfurt am Main, 26 March 2013 -  In  the  2012  financial  year,  OVB
Holding AG raised its operating income by 73% to EUR10.5 million  (previous 
EUR6.1 million) and its EBIT margin from 2.7% to 4.9%, nearly doubling  it.  In 
difficult overall market  environment,  the  only  financial  services  provider
operating across Europe achieved new record figures in the number of  customers,
consulting capacity and new contracts, continuing  the  previous  year's  growth
trend seamlessly. As of the end of 2012, more than 3.0 million customers  relied
on the consulting services of OVB. The number of consultants increased  by  3.9%
to 5,097. The number of new contracts concluded also increased significantly  by
12.0% to 587,140 (previous year: 523,733).  The  sales  performance  was 
million, virtually being held stable compared  to  the  previous  year's  figure
(previous year: EUR222.1 million).

"With approximately 5,100 consultants, approximately 600,000 new  contracts  and
three million customers, OVB achieved  three  records  simultaneously  in  2012.
These results make clear people's great need for consulting  deriving  from  the
urgent  need  for  people  to  assume  responsibility  for  their  own   pension
provision. From several hundred thousand  consulting  interviews  per  year,  we
know that contrary  to  public  perception  good  multi-topic  consulting  on  a
commission basis continues to  meet  with  a  high  level  of  acceptance  among
customers. In view of the ongoing discussion about forms of remuneration in  the
financial services industry, many consumers are even worried about whether  they
are still certain to have access to good and above all  affordable  consulting",
says Michael Rentmeister, Chief Executive Officer of the OVB  Group,  explaining
the background to last year's success. "The feedback from our customers  clearly
shows that our consulting approach and  our  range  of  products  meet  people's
needs. For this reason, we will vigorously continue to pursue our course.

To allow us to provide even more customers in the markets in  which  OVB  has  a
presence with competent consulting in all matters relating  to  private  pension
provision, we are focusing on our successful business model as  a  'company  for
entrepreneurs'. We are also investing in one-stop financial consulting  as  well
as the qualification of our employees and in committing  them  to  OVB  for  the
long term."

Consistently positive earnings performance in the segments

The Southern  and  Western  Europe  segment  showed  particularly  strong  sales
growth. In this segment, OVB increased total sales commission by 16.0% to 
million. Particularly in Italy and Spain, OVB  managed  to  achieve  significant
growth, contrary to the macroeconomic trend. In the Central and  Eastern  Europe
segment, total sales commission stabilised following highly  dynamic  growth  in
2011, amounting to EUR121.1  million  (previous  year:  EUR126.2  million).  In 
Germany segment,  the  total  sales  commission  collected  in  2012  was 
million, after EUR72.8 million in the previous year.

All regional segments contributed to the considerable improvement  in  operating
income. In Central and Eastern Europe, EBIT rose from  EUR10.6  million  to 
million. In Germany, EBIT increased from EUR6.1 million to EUR7.0 million. 
and Western Europe, which generated negative operating income  of  EUR2.4 
in the previous year, achieved a break-even result in 2012.

Consolidated net income almost doubled, increasing from  EUR4.2  million  to 
million, resulting in basic earnings of EUR0.57 per share  (previous  year: 
with the same number of shares). The Executive Board and Supervisory Board  will
propose to the  Annual  General  Meeting  on  21  June  2013  that  it  adopt  a
significant dividend increase to EUR0.55 per share for  the  2012  financial 
(previous year: EUR0.35).

In the current  financial  year  2013,  OVB  plans  to  improve  its  sales  and
earnings. "Our presence in currently 14 countries  in  Europe,  whose  citizens'
need for private savings will increase in the future, is an important factor  in
our success and makes us  less  susceptible  to  country-specific  developments.
Based  on  this,  we  offer  our  financial   consultants   unique,   attractive
professional prospects Europe-wide", says  Michael  Rentmeister,  outlining  his
expectations for 2013.

About OVB Group

OVB Group, with its holding company headquartered in  Cologne,  is  one  of  the
lead-ing European financial sales organisations. Since  its  founding  in  1970,
customer-oriented  consulting  for  private  households  with  regard  to  asset
protection, asset building, pension plans and real estate acquisition  has  been
the focus of OVB's business activities. OVB currently advises some  3.0  million
customers across Europe, working in cooperation with over 100  renowned  product
partners. OVB  is  presently  active  in  14  countries,  with  5,097  full-time
financial consultants working for the Group. In 2012, OVB  Holding  AG  and  its
subsidiaries generated total sales commission of  EUR214.7  million  and  EBIT 
EUR10.5 million. OVB Holding AG has been listed on the  Frankfurt  Stock 
(Prime Standard, ISIN DE0006286560) since July 2006.

The presentation of the annual  results  and  the  annual  report  2012  can  be
downloaded from the Investor Relations section of

This press release is also available on the Internet at: ( Press ( Press Releases

Key figures for the OVB business year 2012

|Key operating figures|Unit       |2011       |2012       |Change     |
|Clients (31/12)      |Number     |2.86 m     |3.00 m     |+ 4.9%     |
|Financial advisors   |Number     |4,908      |5,097      |+ 3.9%     |
|(31/12)              |           |           |           |           |
|New business         |Number     |523,733    |587,140    |+ 12.0%    |
|Total sales          |Euro       |222.1      |214.7      |- 3.3%     |
|commission           |million    |           |           |           |

|Key financial figures|Unit       |2011       |2012       |Change     |
|Earnings before      |Euro       |6.1        |10.5       |+ 73.0%    |
|intrest and taxes    |million    |           |           |           |
|(EBIT)               |           |           |           |           |
|EBIT margin*         |%          |2.7        |4.9        |+ 2.2%-pts.|
|Conolidated net incom|Euro       |4.2        |8.2        |+ 95.2%    |
|                     |million    |           |           |           |
|Earnings per share   |Euro       |0.29       |0.57       |+ 96.6%    |
|(undiluted)          |           |           |           |           |
|Dividend per share*1 |Euro       |0.35       |0.55       |+ 57.1%    |

*  Based on total sales commission
*1 For the relevant financial year, 2012 proposal

Key figures by region business year 2012

|                     |Unit       |2011       |2012       |Change     |
|Central and Eastern  |           |           |           |           |
|Europe               |           |           |           |           |
|Clients (31/12)      |Number     |1.89 m     |2.00 m     |+ 5.8%     |
|Financial advisors   |Number     |3,226      |3,307      |+ 2.5%     |
|(31/12)              |           |           |           |           |
|Total sales          |Euro       |126.2      |121.1      |- 4.0%     |
|commission           |million    |           |           |           |
|EBIT                 |Euro       |10.6       |11.6       |+ 9.4%     |
|                     |million    |           |           |           |
|EBIT margin*         |%          |8.4        |9.6        |+ 1.2%-pts.|
|Germany              |           |           |           |           |
|Clients (31/12)      |Number     |656,113    |626,059    |- 4.6%     |
|Financial advisors   |Number     |1,319      |1,343      |+ 1.8%     |
|(31/12)              |           |           |           |           |
|Total sales          |Euro       |72.8       |66.8       |- 8.2%     |
|commission           |million    |           |           |           |
|EBIT                 |Euro       |6.1        |7.0        |+ 14.8%    |
|                     |million    |           |           |           |
|EBIT margin*         |%          |8.4        |10.5       |+ 2.1%-pts.|
|Southern and Western |           |           |           |           |
|Europe               |           |           |           |           |
|Clients (31/12)      |Number     |308,298    |310,129    |+ 0.6%     |
|Financial advisors   |Number     |363        |447        |+ 23.1%    |
|(31/12)              |           |           |           |           |
|Total sales          |Euro       |23.1       |26.8       |+ 16.0%    |
|commission           |million    |           |           |           |
|EBIT                 |Euro       |-2.4       |0.0        |-%         |
|                     |million    |           |           |           |
|EBIT margin*         |%          |-10.5      |0.0        |+10.5%-pts.|

*  Based on total sales commission

OVB Holding AG
Heumarkt 1
50667 Cologne


Brigitte Bonifer
Investor Relations
Phone: +49 (0)221 / 2015-288
Fax: +49 (0)221 / 2015-325

Antje Schweitzer
Public Relations
Phone: +49 (0)221 / 2015-153
Fax: +49 (0)221 / 2015-138


Further inquiry note:
Brigitte Bonifer
Investor Relations
Tel.: +49 (0)221 2015 288

end of announcement                               euro adhoc 

company:     OVB Holding AG
             Heumarkt  1
             D-50667 Köln
phone:       +49 (0)221 2015 0
FAX:         +49 (0)221 2015 264
sector:      Financial & Business Services
ISIN:        DE0006286560
indexes:     CDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All Share
stockmarkets: free trade: Berlin, München, Hamburg, Düsseldorf, Stuttgart,
             regulated dealing/prime standard: Frankfurt 
language:   English

Original content of: OVB Holding AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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