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ots Ad hoc-Service: AG <DE0005763502>Provisional net earnings for 1999: boosts sales by 130 percent

Kiel (ots Ad hoc-Service) -

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Provisional net earnings for 1999: boosts sales by 130 percent
- Sales for 1999 30 percent above target - Net loss for the year
confirms predictions - Number of users rises faster than
Internet usage AG, of Kiel, anticipates sales growth of more than 130
percent for the 1999 financial year. As the company announced today,
the gr oup's total sales will probably amount to around DM 17.7
million, significantly more than the company's own target, and almost
30 percent above the analysts' pr edictions. In the previous year,
the group companies generated total sales of DM 7.6 million.
As anticipated, the group's net loss for the year will rise from
DM 3.9 million (1998, figures for as-if group) to around DM 16.6
million in 1999. Investment in the development of the brand
as a platform for online gambling and game s of chance and
development costs for new products and for the system platform n
ecessitated much of this expenditure. In the business customers
sector, expenses incurred as a result of creating and expanding our
personnel and technical base to enable the company to take on the
growing challenges of the market in the e- business and online
marketing sectors also contributed to the net loss for the y ear. An
amount of some DM 3.1 million was spent on the initial pubic offering
of AG in September 1999.
The major driving force behind the growth of the Group
is the e-commer ce platform The business-to-consumer branch
of the Group repo rts the highest growth rate of around 200
percent. The platform accounts for just under 10 percent of
total group sales. In 1999, handled stakes totalling some DM
8.4 million which cannot be included in the HGB financial sta tements
due to accounting regulations.
The number of customers who played games of chance via in
the past finan cial year rose from about 30,000 to some 80,000, a
year-on-year increase of some 160 percent, and thus faster than the
growth of Internet use (approx. 75 percen t). The number of partners
marketing via their Internet activities rose to 125 by the
end of 1999. was able to win significant new customers in the
business-to-business sector. For example, it handled e-business
projects on behalf of Henkel, Unileve r and Philips. Online campaigns
were developed and implemented by for MobilCom, Freenet and
IS Internet Services. AG will disclose full details of its result for the 1999
financial yea r at its press conference on the financial statements
on March 31 in Hamburg.

Contact: AG; Investor Relations, Stefan Zenker, phone: +49 431
8810484 Fax: +49 431 8810470; mobile: +49 173 9138705; mail:

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