ots Ad hoc-Service: Fluxx.com AG <DE0005763502> fluxx.com fixes DM 10 Million deal with MobilCom
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- fluxx.com's e-business reference platform to constitute basis for future m-commerce activities of MobilCom AG - UMTS a central aspect of system architecture
The e-business communication company fluxx.com AG (securities identification number 576 350) closed a contract with German telecommunications company MobilCom AG, of Büdelsdorf, to realise a mobile commerce platform. The total volume of the deal over the next nine months is in excess of DM 10 million. The aim of the cooperation is to conceive, create and realise a mobile business portal aimed at users of innovative technologies such as WAP (wireless application protocol) or UMTS (universal mobile telephony system).
Further information: fluxx.com AG, Investor Relations, Stefan Zenker, Tel.: +49.431.88 10 484, Cell: +49.173.913 87 05
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