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The starting gate of the ski world championships - designed by Audi

Ingolstadt, Germany (ots)

The alpine skiing circus gets a new
outfit: the design department of AUDI AG has newly designed the
starting gate and the exit gate for the Alpine Ski World
Championships in St. Moritz, February 1st till 16th, 2003. During the
opening celebration of the Ski World Championships on Saturday,
February 1st, the starting gate "designed by Audi" will be shown in
public for the first time.
The clear lines and the dynamic design clearly make the newly
designed starting gate stand out as a product from Audi. Similar to
the aluminium frame structure of the Audi Space Frame, like it is
being used in the new Audi A8, the flag ship of the Audi car range,
the Audi starting gate has been made of an aluminium corset that has
been panelled all around with aluminium sheets. The sides have been
covered with printed, yet transparent plastic sheets, so that they
allow a view on the ski racers inside while they are getting ready
for the start. The basic dimensions of the Audi starting gate are
four by six metres and at its highest point it is 3.80 metres high.
The Audi designers were faced with a challenging task in the new
design. The Audi starting gate could not become too heavy, because it
has to be pre-fabricated for a major part in the valley and it is
then being flown up the hill by helicopter. The Audi starting gate
can be taken apart completely within one hour, but at the same time
it is so stable that it can withstand the extreme weather conditions
of the alpine areas.
The design language at the Ski World Championships is unified:
corresponding to the Audi starting gate, Audi Design also designed
the exit gate by which the ski racers are leaving the finish area,
like a kind of triumph arch for the athletes. The basis size is three
by three metres, with a height of three metres.
Comprehensive image material from the initial sketches, the
subsequent computer models up to the ready-to-use starting gate can
be found in the Audi sport press database on the internet:, user: Audi, password: start.
The images are under embargo until Saturday, February 1st, 2003,
   18.00 h.
ots Original Text Service: Audi AG
Communication: Corporate and Finance
Joachim Cordshagen, Telefon: +49 (0)841 89 36340 
Larissa Braun, Telefon: +49 (0)841 89 36066 

Original content of: Audi AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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