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European Bioplastics

Ban or tax oil-based plastic shopping bags, says European Bioplastics

Berlin (ots)

European Bioplastics publishes its latest position paper on shopping bags, ahead of the forthcoming European Commission proposal on single use plastic bags announced today by Commissioner Janez Potocnik. The association recognises that an overall reduction in the consumption of plastic shopping bags will play an important role in increasing resource efficiency and moving Europe towards a more sustainable economy.

Therefore, European Bioplastics supports posing a levy or taxation on oil-based plastic shopping bags, or even a banning of bags under the following condition:

   - Shopping bags containing at least 50 percent biobased content
     should generally be exempted from the ban or tax.
   - In countries where organic waste is recovered and organically
     recycled, compostable shopping bags compliant to EN 13432
     containing at least 50 percent biobased content should be
     exempted from the ban or tax.

"Bioplastic bags will become a symbol of a resource efficient and circular economy", says François de Bie, Chairman of European Bioplastics.

Plastic shopping bags with a high biobased content ensure a considerably lower carbon footprint than oil-based bags and help to reduce CO2 emissions. Compostable plastic shopping bags offer a secondary use as biowaste bags. They help to increase the amount of biowaste collected and improve the quality of compost in countries where organic waste collection is in place.

European Bioplastics' position paper on shopping bags is available at:

European Bioplastics is an association representing the interests of the bioplastics industry in Europe along the complete value chain. More information is available at

Press contact:

Kristy-Barbara Lange, Head of Communications, European Bioplastics,
Marienstr. 19/20, 10117 Berlin, Tel: +49 (0) 30 28482 356, Fax: +49
(0)30 284 82 359,

Original content of: European Bioplastics, transmitted by news aktuell

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