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Vienna Insurance Group

EANS-Adhoc: Vienna Insurance Group: Preliminary profit before taxes and dividend proposal 2015 as well as outlook for 2016

  ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
  distribution. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this
other/Preliminary profit before taxes 2015 / Dividend proposal 2015 / Outlook

In a challenging environment Vienna Insurance Group achieved a premium volume of
more than EUR 9 billion. Premiums in property and casualty (+0.8%), health
(+3.0%) and regular-premium life business (+4.9%) increased. The due to the
current low interest rate environment exercised restraint in the single-premium
business (-15.7%) led to an overall decrease of 1.4% in written premiums of the

The preliminary profit before taxes for the business year 2015 is around
EUR 172 million. Apart from the decreased current financial income and the
impairment done in the third quarter 2015, additional impairments of intangible
assets impacted this result. They evolved from changes of the cash generating
units in the course of the extension of the management board, from a more
cautious view on developments in Romania and from tax changes in Poland.

The dividend policy of Vienna Insurance Group foresees the distribution of at
least 30% of net profits after minorities. Management decided in today's board
meeting to suggest to the statutory bodies a dividend of EUR 0.60 per share for
the business year 2015. This means a pay-out ratio of around 78%.

For the business year 2016 VIG plans at least to double the pre-tax result 2015
and targets a profit before taxes of up to EUR 400 million.

The following securities of VIG are admitted for trading on a regulated market:

Issue title                       ISIN             Trading segment

Aktie                             AT0000908504     Vienna and Prague Stock
                                                   Exchange, Official Market
VIG nachrang. Anl. 15             AT0000A1D5E1     Luxembourg Stock Exchange,
                                                   Second Regulated Market
VIG nachrang. Schuldv.13-43       AT0000A12GN0     Vienna Stock Exchange, 
                                                   Second Regulated Market
Wr.Staedt. Hybridkap-Anl. 08      AT0000A09SA8     Vienna Stock Exchange, 
                                                   Second Regulated Market
Wr.Staedt.Vers. EK-Anl. 05-22     AT0000342696     Vienna Stock Exchange,
                                                   Official Market
Wr.Staedt.Vers. var EK-Anl. 05    AT0000342704     Vienna Stock Exchange,
                                                   Official Market

Further inquiry note:
Wiener Versicherung Gruppe
1010 Wien, Schottenring 30

Wolfgang Haas 
Head of Group Communications & Marketing, Spokesperson of the Group
Tel.: +43 (0)50 390-21029 
Fax: +43 (0)50 390 99-21029 

Nina Higatzberger
Head of Investor Relations
Tel.: +43 (0)50 390-21920
Fax: +43 (0)50 390 99-21920

end of announcement                               euro adhoc 

issuer:      Vienna Insurance Group
             Schottenring 30
             A-1010 Wien
phone:       +43(0)50 390-21919
FAX:         +43(0)50 390 99-23303
sector:      Insurance
ISIN:        AT0000908504
indexes:     WBI, ATX Prime, ATX
stockmarkets: official market: Wien, stock market: Prague Stock Exchange 
language:   English

Original content of: Vienna Insurance Group, transmitted by news aktuell

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