ots Ad hoc-Service: Plambeck Neue Energien <DE0006910300> New Solar Energy: Plambeck and S.E.T.
Altlußheim / Cuxhaven (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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The Plambeck Neue Energien AG, Cuxhaven, participated with 40 % in the S.E.T Solar Energie Technik GmbH, Altlußheim. The capital of the company was now increased by 700.000 DM to 1.5 Million DM. With this both companies see a basis to make further parts of the future-market of solar energy accessible with new products of S.E.T.
Since 1976 the S.E.T. is successfully operating in the international market and is one of the technological market leaders in the solar industry. S.E.T. demonstrated one special example of their efficiency with the delivery of the solar roof, for which the patent has been successfully applied for, - a roof-element-system for the close distance heating support of the district Hannover Kronsberg "SolarCity" of the world exhibition, Expo 2000.
The Plambeck Neue Energien AG is operating in all fields of renewable energies but mainly in the generation of energy from windpower. The entrance into the field of the use of biomass is being accomplished at present. Together with S.E.T. Plambeck actively enters another future-market of the radiant energy. Goal of the participation in S.E.T. is to extend the outstanding market position and the extensive knowledge of S.E.T. consequently. On the other hand the urgently needed additional capacities for manufacturing solar modules are being created.
The Plambeck Neue Energien AG contribute their knowledge in planning, financing and development of projects in the field of renewable energies. The special knowledge of the S.E.T. in solarthermal and PV-technologies, building of the corresponding units and the experience with orders from abroad will complete this. Amongst the necessary know how the foundation has been laid with the participation of Plambeck, to manage the strong growth of this future-market. An increase of Plambeck's participation up to 50% is possible if it becomes necessary due to the growth of the company.
Plambeck Neue Energien AG Public Relations Office For further questions please contact: Rainer Heinsohn, Public Relations Manager, Tel.: 04721/718-453
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