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Aareal Bank

Supervisory Board renews the appointment of Management Board members

Wiesbaden (ots)

The Supervisory Board of Aareal Bank AG resolved to renew the appointment of the incumbent Chairman of the Management Board, Dr Wolf Schumacher, and the Member of the Management Board Thomas Ortmanns, prior to the regular end of their terms of office. Their appointment to Aareal Bank's Management Board was extended for another five years, with effect from 1 April 2013 until 31 March 2018.

"In the last years, Aareal Bank has developed excellently in a challenging environment. With these reappointments, the Supervisory Board confirms the successful course of the Management Board whilst, at the same time, assuring continuity at top management level", commented Hans W. Reich, Chairman of the Supervisory Board.

Dr Wolf Schumacher (54) has been a Member and Chairman of the Management Board since 2005. Thomas Ortmanns (51) has been a Member of the Management Board since 2005, too.

Aareal Bank

Aareal Bank AG is one of the leading international specialist property banks. The Aareal Bank share is included in Deutsche Börse's mid-cap MDAX index. Aareal Bank operates on three continents: leveraging its successful European business model, the bank has established similar platforms in North America and in the Asia-Pacific region. It provides property financing solutions in more than 20 countries.


Aareal Bank AG
Corporate Communications

Sven Korndörffer
phone: +49 611 348 2306

Christian Feldbrügge
phone: +49 611 348 2280

Investor Relations

Jürgen Junginger
phone: +49 611 348 2636

Original content of: Aareal Bank, transmitted by news aktuell

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