ZDFkultur, kurzfristige Programmänderung
Mainz, 18. Februar 2012
Mainz (ots)
VPS-Zeiten entsprechen den Beginnzeiten.
Woche 17/12
Do., 26.4.
17.05 Suede: Live at the Royal Albert Hall
18.00 South By Southwest
Daniel Johnston
Livemusik aus Austin, Texas
Moderation: Rainer Maria Jilg
19.00 Later with Jools
("South By Southwest Grimes Ghostland Observatory" entfällt) . . . 3.55 Suede: Live at the Royal Albert Hall
4.50 South By Southwest
Daniel Johnston
Livemusik aus Austin, Texas
Moderation: Rainer Maria Jilg
5.50 Later with Jools
("South By Southwest Grimes Ghostland Observatory" entfällt)
Fr., 27.4.
17.00 Jukebox London Live
Euro Trash
18.00 South By Southwest
Livemusik aus Austin, Texas
Moderation: Rainer Maria Jilg
("South By Southwest Daniel Johnson" und "South By Southwest NAS" entfallen) . . . 2.30 Jukebox London Live
Euro Trash
3.30 South By Southwest
Livemusik aus Austin, Texas
Moderation: Rainer Maria Jilg
("South By Southwest Daniel Johnson" und "South By Southwest NAS" entfallen)
Telefon: +49-6131-70-12121
Telefon: +49-6131-70-12120
Original content of: ZDF, transmitted by news aktuell