ots Ad hoc-Service: TELES AG <DE0007454902> TELES officially denies More-Decision
Berlin (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
The sender is solely responsible for the contents of this announcement.
In its latest issue the magazine "Computer Reseller News" (25/2000) notified as follows: "Majority participation - TELES AG joins More - TELES AG will invest in the distributor More and ....".
Since not contradicted misinformation of similar kind damaged the TELES-shares last year, the company sees the necessity to make a correction and states that this information of "Computer Reseller News" is false.
Furthermore, TELES clarifies that it permanently conducts - possibly course-relevant - participation and/or take-over talks with interesting companies. However the policy of the house is, in all such cases, to establish a "non disclosure agreement" with these companies concerning such discussions till the point in time, when issuing an "Ad Hoc Message" is prescribed by German law. Accordingly, all claims of facts published before this point in time are false information. Rumours concerning such talks will in principle not be commented on openly by TELES.
Prof- Dr.-Ing, Sigram Schindler CEO of Teles AG
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Original content of: Teles AG, transmitted by news aktuell