ots Ad hoc-Service: TELES AG <DE0007454902> TELES founds "Internet Academy" - Largest European Internet Qualification Initiative started
Berlin (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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To counteract the increasingly critical shortage of suitably qualified Internet specialists quickly and in a large scope, the TELES AG has founded the "TELES Internet Academy (TIA)". The TIA is established as an independent stock company in the TELES Group and has at its disposal 10 million DM in equity capital as well as, practically free of charge, the most modern WebLearning platform. The management board and supervisory board of TELES have made decisions concerning this in the past few days.
Whereas in Europe the number of suitably qualified Internet specialists which the job market lacks lies in the six-digit area, the TIA shall achieve a five-digit annual rate of highly qualified graduates. It is thereby the only European institution which has taken up an Internet qualification initiative of this order of magnitude. It should be starting business in the third quarter 2000 and reach revenues in the upper range of two-digit million DM with far more than 10,000 students already by next year.
The TIA qualification goal of the "SME Internet Specialist" (SME = small and medium sized enterprise) is just as unique: It is specifically designed to provide to SMEs Internet specialists with precisely that type of qualifications profile which is absolutely indispensable for the SMEs' short term establishment and economically successful operation of their own eCommerce applications.
The TIA qualifications services shall, in particular, enable the more than 300,000 "eCommerce-pregnant" SMEs in Germany to a promising entry into the New Economy. These are SMEs, which have already taken the first step in this direction -by establishing their own Internet domains as the breeding cells of their future eCommerce applications - but could not yet further develop these domains into commercially ready- for-life eCommerce applications. TELES is familiar with these "SME further development blockers" due to personnel shortage: Its subsidiary, TELES eTrack AG, is the European market leader in domain hosting with well over 1,000,000 Internet domains - among them those of more than 120,000 such eCommerce-pregnant SMEs.
The press conference on the opening of the TIA is planned for the end of July. Journalists and analysts can obtain extensive information on TIA shortly before this date, specifically, a detailed concept discussion on TIA, its study courses and examination regulations, short descriptions of a series of its courses, as well as an explanation of the working of its WebLearning platform.
Prof. Sigram Schindler, CEO Teles AG
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Original content of: Teles AG, transmitted by news aktuell