ots Ad hoc-Service: TELES AG <DE0007454902> TELES strengthens and extends WebLearning Position
Berlin (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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A world wide boom is about to start in the new economy area of "WebLearning Services". In the near future "WebLearning" will be the basis of all higher-quality, vocationally orientated qualification activities. WebLearning platforms - the WebTeaching/Management systems indispensable for large WebLearning projects - are thus acquiring the same immense economic significance for all large businesses in this decade that was gained by ERP platforms in the 1990s.
Teles AG has therefore strengthened and extended the position of its WebLearning business engagement in the European market and has just signed a partnership agreement with an internationally leading WebLearning systems house, the Australian Southrock Ltd. Objective of this partnership is the joint marketing, development and customer specific support of the WebLearning platform "SouthrockGEM", or more precisely: the immediate expansion of its current market leadership in the Australian/Pacific region to a leading position on the European WebLearning market. At present SouthrockGEM is the only fully matured WebLearning platform, as it has been tested under heavy load and approved by well over 100,000 users, and thus the only internationally promising candidate for a product career of this calibre on the European WebLearning market.
The economic structure of the partnership is as follows: 1.) Southrock Ltd. has sold 16 percent of its shares to TELES for approx. DEM 3 million and contributed all of its European rights in SouthrockGEM exclusively to Southrock Europe AG, will soon enter into a similar WebLearning partnership with a company of the "fortune-500" class in the USA, is increasing its share capital by a further AS$ 5 million, is going to float its shares on the stock exchange in either the USA or Australia within the next 2 years and before doing so will grant TELES the option to acquire at a significantly reduced price up to 25 percent of its shares. 2.) TELES AG has founded in Berlin a 100 percent holding subsidiary with DEM 2 million share capital, the Southrock Europe AG, which provides the TELES Internet Academy with the WebLearning platform SouthrockGEM (almost) free of charge, immediately starts marketing SouthrockGEM for large European companies and will eventually go public on a European stock exchange, at which point 40 percent of its shares may be taken over free of charge by Southrock Ltd., if it has successfully carried out all the measures described above.
SouthrockGEM supports the Microsoft implementation of the "Learning Resource Interchange (LRN)" open standard for Online Learning Content agreed upon by IMS. The IMS Global Learning Consortium is composed of over 250 system houses, educational institutions and government agencies throughout the world. With this partnership the Teles Group has attained immediate access to all international IMS working groups and Microsoft development teams on WebLearning.
Prof. Sigram Schindler CEO of Teles AG
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Original content of: Teles AG, transmitted by news aktuell