ots Ad hoc-Service: Intertainment AG <DE0006223605> Intertainment closes 5 year film deal with Oscar winner Arnold Kopelson
Munich (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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Munich-based media group Intertainment AG has acquired worldwide exclusive distribution rights to between 10 and 20 productions by Arnold Kopelson. Oscar winner Kopelson belongs to the most distinguished (17 Oscar nominations) and commercially successful (more than US$ 2 billion) American film producers. Kopelson currently produces the project "Unfaithful" starring George Clooney for 20th Century Fox. Among his highly successful films are "Platoon", "The Fugitive" (Harrison Ford), "Seven" (Brad Pitt), "Outbreak" (Dustin Hoffman), "Eraser" (Arnold Schwarzenegger), "Devils Advocate" (Al Pacino and Keanu Reeves), as well as "A Perfect Murder" (Michael Douglas, Gwyneth Paltrow) and "U.S. Marshals" (Tommy Lee Jones, Wesley Snipes). US$ 2 billion were earned worldwide by the last 10 of the films produced by Kopelson from theatrical exploitation alone (i.e. not counting Video-, Pay TV-, Free TV- and Internet exploitation). As part of this deal Intertainment acquires worldwide rights for all forms of exploitation, i.e. Theatrical-, Video-, Pay TV- and Free TV-, as well as Internet-, Video-on-Demand-, Merchandising- and Soundtrack rights. The rights are granted in perpetuity. In the United States, the films will be distributed by a major studio.
Under the agreement Intertainment receives approval rights for every phase of the film production process, starting right at the selection of each project. The contract also includes a renewal option for another 5 years. The stipulated budget for each film is set at around US$ 50 million. Financing of the films will be secured through licence sales to studios, national distributors (Pre-sales) as well as film fonds.
Press Contact: Intertainment AG Claudia Wilmans Widenmayerstrasse 49 80538 Munich
Tel.: 0 89 / 21 69 9-0 Fax: 0 89 / 21 69 9-11 e-mail: cwilmans@intertainment.de
End Internet: http://recherche.newsaktuell.de
Original content of: Intertainment AG, transmitted by news aktuell