ots Ad hoc-Service: Süss MicroTec AG <DE0007226706> Süss MicroTec successful in the fourth quarter
Munich (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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- pre-tax profits doubled - profitable in 1999 - continued growth expected
The Süss MicroTec Group considerably improved its results in the fourth quarter of 1999. The pre-tax corporate profits rose by 100 % to 8.6 million DM compared to the same period last year. After-tax results grew by 60 % to 4 million DM. "This implies that the more vigorous order and sales volume, which became apparent around the middle of the year, has now been expressed in the results," said the board chairman Franz Richter. "The measures we have taken to realize growth are already paying off." The quarterly sales reached 67.8 million DM and were therefore 55 % higher than in the same period last year. The incoming orders grew even more rapidly, rising by 148 % to a corporate record of 87.7 million DM.
The positive results of the fourth quarter drove a pre-tax corporate profit of 5 million DM made during 1999 (previous year: -0.6 million DM). The after-tax results improved to an annual surplus of 1.2 million DM or 5 cents per share, compared with a loss of 1.9 million DM last year. " Our investments in future growth impacted our ability to achieve the results the analysts expected for 1999," said chief financial officer Martin Waibel. "The continued boom in the semiconductor industry, will provide much higher profit this year compared to 1999." The sales prognoses were exceeded by far last year, growing by 31 % to 177.9 million DM. The Süss Group achieved a increase of 58 % to 216.1 million DM in bookings.
The board believes in general that Süss is in a strong growth period. Firstly, the company is profiting from the general upswing in the semiconductor industry. Secondly, Süss is pursuing a consistent strategy of concentrating on growth markets which are less subject to cyclic fluctuations. A perfect example of this is the advanced packaging market, in which Süss is recognized as the technology leader. This new chip interconnecting technology is driven by growth in primarily the telecommunications and computer industries. The increasing use of this technology generates high demand for mask aligners and spin coaters. US market research company Electronic Trend Publication estimates this market will grow by more than 60% this year and in the following three years.
Süss MicroTec AG
Ariane Meynert
Investor Relations
Tel:+49 (0)89 32 007-314
Internet: http://recherche.newsaktuell.de
Original content of: SÜSS MicroTec AG, transmitted by news aktuell