ots Ad hoc-Service: Süss MicroTec AG <DE0007226706> Süss MicroTec significantly reduces first quarter loss
Garching / Munich (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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Due to strong business development and favorable currency influences, Süss Micro Tec. Group successfully reduced it's first quarter loss 2000. The earnings after tax were improved to (1.4) Mio. DM, compared to (2.7) Mio. DM in the same period of the previous year. The earnings before taxes were increased by more than 50% to (1.5) / (4.1) Mio. DM. As a result of customer capital expenditure behavior. Süss usually receives the majority of annual revenues in the second half of the year. Part of the costs in preparation of third and fourth quarter deliveries are taken in the first quarter. This will normally result in a first quarter loss.
Ariane Meynert Süss MicroTec AG Investor Relations Schleißheimer
Str. 90 85748 Garching
email: meynert@suss.de Tel. +49 (0) 89 32007 314 Fax +49 (0) 89
32007 236
Internet: http://recherche.newsaktuell.de
Original content of: SÜSS MicroTec AG, transmitted by news aktuell