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Deutsche Lufthansa AG

ots Ad hoc-Service: Deutsche Lufthansa AG <DE0008232125>

Frankfurt/Köln (ots Ad hoc-Service) -

Ad hoc-announcement edited and sent by DGAP. The sender is solely
responsible for the contents of this announcement.
Ad hoc release pursuant to @
15 of the Securities Trading Act (WpHG)
Deutsche Lufthansa AG (WKN 823212, Frankfurt) will take out a 24.9
% stake in the equity capital of Eurowings Luftverkehrs AG, with
effect from 1.1.2001. The agreement between Lufthansa and Eurowings
is pending approval by the Lufthansa Supervisory Board on 6.12.2000.
If no objections are raised by the cartel authorities, Lufthansa
plans to acquire further shares in Eurowings.
Lufthansa's equity interest in Eurowings underlines the airlines'
joint intention to offer customers in North Rhine- Westphalia
additional direct connections to European business centres.
Deutsche Lufthansa AG Investor Relations Stephan Gemkow, Telefon
+49(0)221 826 - 2444, Fax +49(0)221 826 - 2286, e-mail: media contact: Sigrid Bäumer, +49 (0)69 696
- 3669 WPKN: 823212, Frankfurt Börsennotierung in: Berlin, Bremen,
Düsseldorf, Frankfurt/M., Hamburg, Hannover, München, Stuttgart. 21.
September 2000

Original content of: Deutsche Lufthansa AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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