ots Ad hoc-Service: Cenit AG <DE0005407100>Steep growth and globalisation
The sender is solely responsible for the contents of this announcement. Stuttgart, Germany (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
In the first half of fiscal 2000, CENIT AG achieved its goal of becoming a systems provider with global operations. "After our acquisitions in the UK, France and North America, we are now the biggest CAD/CAM system integrator worldwide," was how Falk Engelmann, spokesman for the board of management, described the company's position.
CENIT wants to take advantage of its world-wide presence, and especially the opportunities offered by the world's biggest IT market, the USA, says Mr. Engelmann, to develop its new business segment ebusiness energetically. In addition to providing products of Intershop, CENIT now also has projects on the basis of SAP platform mysap.com in sight.
The board of management is quite pleased with the business development. CENIT closed the first halfyear with a good rate of growth. Sales revenue rose by 31% to 44.73 million EUR (1999: 34.22 million EUR). Gross profit rose within the reported period by 49% being 8.47 million EUR to 25.79 million EUR. Adjusted for acquisitions sales rose to 37.8 million EUR and gross profit to 22.02 million EUR (1999: 17.31 million EUR). The decline in operating earnings (EBIT) to minus 0.37 million EUR (1999: 1.23 million EUR) is essentially attributable to the allegation of the first quarter.
CENIT's workforce in Germany rose from 391 last year to 461. The new subsidiaries abroad boosted the number of employees in the CENIT group as a whole to 808. "Business is growing for the new CENIT companies in France and North America and in Germany too. We shall therefore have a staff of about 900 by the end of the year" was Mr Engelmann's forecast of future growth.
A very good backlog of orders The company reported new orders in Germany from Volkswagen AG, in Switzerland from the Coop group, in France from the PSA group and the Airbus consortium. Recently, the company succeeded in winning the sporting goods manufacturer ITECH as a new customer in the consumer sector in North America.
Thanks to its good backlog of orders and with demand for hardware picking up, CENIT is optimistic as it starts the second half of the fiscal year. "We see additional stimulation of the economy as a whole coming from the tax reform law which has just been passed in Germany," said Mr Engelmann. In autumn this year, CENIT intends to announce its further plans at an analysts' conference held with other enterprises quoted on the Neuer Markt.
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