ots Ad hoc-Service: Cenit AG <DE0005407100> CENIT AG: 40 per cent growth in sales in the first nine months of the year. A new order worth DM12 million
Stuttgart (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
Ad hoc-announcement edited and sent by DGAP. The sender is solely responsible for the contents of this announcement.
CENIT AG has worked intensively during the first nine months of the year to boost the development of business. A glance at sales shows appreciable growth of 40 per cent on the comparable period last year to EUR 73.774 mill (last year: EUR 52.848 mill). The gross profit rose by 59 per cent to EUR 42,490 mill (last year: EUR 26.677mill). Operating earnings before goodwill depreciation amounts to EUR 0.51 mill (EBITA). The decline in EBIT to minus EUR 0.549 mill is essentially attributable to goodwill depreciation amounting to EUR 1.059 mill and to start-up costs for globalisation activities. The workforce also developed gratifyingly. In a highly contested market, the number of employees rose from 410 in the comparable period of 1999 to 846 today.
The most gratifying new order was an order from a major european financal services provider relating to IT infrastructure and applications services over a period of three years, worth over DM12mill. Furthermore, a strategically pioneering training and consulting contract in the engineering sector was placed with CENIT by a leading European aerospace company. To these were added new orders from the industrial corporation Bosch, the automotive supplier TRW and a follow-up order from the trading company REWE alone worth over DM1 mill in the e-business sector. After our take-over of Desktop Engineering Ltd., Oxford, UK and Spring Technologies S.A., Montreuil, France, and the acquisition of L&H Consultants Inc. Canada, business abroad continues to develop well.
As regards the development of business in the fourth quarter of 2000, sales growth is expected to continue and earnings to develop positively.
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Original content of: CENIT AG Systemhaus, transmitted by news aktuell