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mwb fairtrade Wertpapierhandelsbank AG

MWB AG Announces Stock Split
Securities Bank\047s Subsidiary Profiting from Globalization and Merger Wave

Gräfelfing, Munich (ots)

The managing board of MWB
Wertpapierhandelshaus AG at its financial-statements press conference
reported on the completed business year and gave a preview of current
and planned activities. The managing board and supervisory board will
recommend to the shareholders' meeting a capital increase out of
stockholders' equity, conversion of capital stock to the euro, and a
3-to-1 stock split. This will make the stock price lighter and the
company's shares even more attractive to investors. Further, as
already announced, a dividend payment of DM 6.50 per share will be
recommended due to the good development of the company's business.
The managing board sees the reason for MWB's positive development
in the company's outstanding positioning. Besides its consistent
business policy as a daily-bookings manager and market-maker for
foreign stocks, MWB has built a second foundation with its
securities-trading subsidiary, MWB Wertpapierhandelsbank. As an
independent provider of financial services, the company has been able
to profit especially in the area of asset management from the return
to customer contact and individual advice that has developed in
reaction to the merger wave in banking. MWB also views the merger of
the Frankfurt and London stock exchanges positively. "Whether
technical handling takes place in London or Frankfurt doesn't matter
to us," said CEO Thomas Posovatz. "What's important for us and the
stocks we handle is that we remain able to shape markets. And so in
April we were able to produce more than 1/7 of the trading volume at
the Berlin stock exchange with just three of our securities. In any
case, for the future of MWB the following is true: At the
shareholders' meeting on June 27, the company will present the best
profits in its history and show itself to be well-equipped for the
MWB AG ( has been listed in the SDAX since April 1999.
It is a leading daily-bookings manager and market-maker in foreign
unlisted securities. MWB has seats on the Munich, Berlin, Frankfurt,
Düsseldorf and Stuttgart stock exchanges. It is also active in the
IPO and asset management areas with its wholly owned subsidiary MWB
Contact and additional information:
MWB Wertpapierhandelshaus AG 
Thomas Posovatz
Rottenbucher Strasse 28 
D-82166 Gräfelfing 
Tel: 089-85852500 
Fax: 089-85852505 

Original content of: mwb fairtrade Wertpapierhandelsbank AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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