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Salzgitter AG

euro adhoc: Salzgitter AG
Veröffentlichung gemäß § 26 WpHG Abs. 1 Satz 1 mit dem Ziel der europaweiten Verbreitung

  Stimmrechtsmitteilung übermittelt durch euro adhoc mit dem Ziel einer
  europaweiten Verbreitung. Für den Inhalt ist der Emittent verantwortlich.
Angaben zum Mitteilungspflichtigen:
Name:    Barclays plc. Compliance
Sitz:    London E 14 5HP
Staat:   United Kingdom
Angaben zum Emittenten:
Name:    Salzgitter AG
Adresse: Eisenhüttenstraße 99, 38239 Salzgitter
Sitz:    Salzgitter
Staat:   Deutschland
Bekanntmachung gem. § 26 Abs. 1 WpHG
Barclays plc., Compliance, 1 Churchill Place, London, E 14 5HP, 
United Kingdom, hat uns am 15. August 2007 Folgendes mitgeteilt:
"We.... make the following notifications for our subsidiaries:
.     Barclays Global Investors Finance Limited, 1 Churchill Place, 
London E14    5HP, England; .     Barclays California Corporation, 45
Fremont Street, San Francisco CA    94105-2204, United States; .     
Barclays Global Investors, NA, 45 Fremont Street, San Francisco CA 
94105-    2204 United States; .     Barclays Global Investors UK 
Holdings Limited, 1 Churchill Place, London,    E14 5HP, England;
regarding the holding of voting rights held in Salzgitter AG, 
Eisenhüttenstraße 99, 38239 Salzgitter, according to §§ 21, 22 WpHG:
1.    Notification of voting rights in the name and on behalf of 
Barclays    Global Investors Finance Limited pursuant to § 21 para. 1
in connection with    § 22 para. 1 sent, 1 no. 6 and § 22 para. 1 
sent, 2 WpHG:
Barclays Global Investors Finance Limited exceeded the 3% threshold 
of § 21    para. 1 WpHG on 18 May 2007 and held 3.01% of the voting 
rights (i.e.    1,903,159 shares with voting rights) in Salzgitter 
Barclays Global Investors Finance Limited was attributed these 3.01% 
of the    voting rights in Salzgitter AG pursuant to § 22 para, 1 
sent. 1 no. 6 WpHG in    connection with § 22 para, 1 sent. 2 WpHG.
2.    Notification of voting rights in the name and on behalf of 
Barclays    California Corporation pursuant to § 21 para. 1 in 
connection with § 22 para.    1 sent, 1 no. 6 and § 22 para. 1 sent. 
2 WpHG:
Barclays California Corporation exceeded the 3% threshold of § 21 
para. 1    WpHG on 18 May 2007 and hold 3.01% of the voting rights 
(i.e. 1,903,159    shares with voting rights) in Salzgitter AG.
Barclays California Corporation was attributed these 3,01% of the 
voting    rights in Salzgitter AG pursuant to § 22 para. 1 sent. 1 
no. 6 WpHG in    connection with § 22 para. 1 sent. 2 WpHG.
3.    Notification of voting rights in the name and on behalf of 
Barclays    Global Investors, NA pursuant to § 21 para. 1 WpHG in 
connection with § 22    para. 1 sent. 1 no. 6 and § 22 para. 1 sent. 
2 WpHG:
Barclays Global Investors, NA exceeded the 3% threshold of § 21 para.
1 WpHG    on 18 May 2007 and held 3.01% of the voting rights (i.e. 
1,903,159 shares    with voting rights) in Salzgitter AG.
Barclays Global Investors, NA was attributed 2.66% of the voting 
rights (i.e.    1,683,763 shares with voting rights) pursuant to § 22
para. 1 sent. 1 no. 6    WpHG and 0.35% of the voting rights (i.e. 
219,396 shares with voting rights)    In Salzgitter AG pursuant to § 
22 para. 1 sent. 1 no. 6 WpHG in connection    with § 22 para. 1 
sent. 2 WpHG and.
4.    Notification of voting rights in the name and on behalf of 
Barclays    Global Investors UK Holdings Limited pursuant to § 21 
para. 1 in connection    with § 22 para. 1 sent. 1 no. 6 and § 22 
para. 1 sent. 2 WpHG:
Barclays Global Investors UK Holdings Limited exceeded the 5% 
threshold of §    21 para. 1 WpHG on 6 August 2007 and held 5,06% of 
the voting rights (i.e.    3,197,858 shares with voting rights) in 
Salzgitter AG.
Barclays Global Investors UK Holdings Limited was attributed these 
5.06% of    the voting rights in Salzgitter AG pursuant to § 22 para.
1 sent. 1 no. 6    WpHG in connection with § 22 para. 1 sent. 2 
Salzgitter, 17. August 2007                                          
Der Vorstand


Branche: Stahl/Eisen
ISIN: DE0006202005
WKN: 620200
Index: MDAX, CDAX, HDAX, Midcap Market Index, Classic All Share,
Prime All Share
Börsen: Börse Frankfurt / Amtlicher Markt/Prime Standard
Börse Berlin / Freiverkehr
Börse Hamburg / Freiverkehr
Börse Stuttgart / Freiverkehr
Börse Düsseldorf / Freiverkehr
Börse München / Freiverkehr
Börse Hannover / Amtlicher Markt

Original content of: Salzgitter AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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