EANS-Stimmrechte: Salzgitter AG
Veröffentlichung gemäß § 26 Abs. 1 Satz 1 WpHG
mit dem Ziel der europaweiten Verbreitung
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stimmrechtsmitteilung übermittelt durch euro adhoc mit dem Ziel einer europaweiten Verbreitung. Für den Inhalt ist der Emittent verantwortlich. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Angaben zum Mitteilungspflichtigen:
Name: diverse, siehe Meldetext Sitz: diverse, siehe Meldetext Staat: USA
Angaben zum Emittenten: -----------------------
Name: Salzgitter AG Adresse: Eisenhüttenstraße 99, 38239 Salzgitter Sitz: Salzgitter Staat: Deutschland
On December 7, 2009, Salzgitter AG received a disclosure notifcation from BlackRock Investment Management Limited, UK.
BlackRock informed us that the Barclays Global Investors (BGI) business was acquired by BlackRock, Inc. The combined holdings of BlackRock, Inc. following this acqusition triggered this disclosure by BlackRock:
1. We should hereby like to inform you pursuant to Sections 21 Paragraph 1 and 24 WpHG that the percentage holding of the voting rights of BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, N.A., San Francisco, USA, in Salzgitter AG exceeded the threshold of 3% on 01.12.2009 and amounts to 3,38% (2,032,129 voting shares) on that day.
All of the voting rights are attributable to BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, N.A. pursuant to Section 22 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 N° 6.
2. We should hereby like to inform you pursuant to Sections 21 Paragraph 1 and 24 WpHG that the percentage holding of the voting rights of BlackRock Delaware Holdings, Inc., New York, USA, in Salzgitter AG exceeded the threshold of 3% on 01.12.2009 and amounts to 3,38% (2,032,129 voting shares) on that day.
All of the voting rights are attributable to BlackRock Delaware Holdings, Inc. pursuant to Section 22 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 N° 6 in connection with sent. 2 WpHG.
3. We should hereby like to inform you pursuant to Sections 21 Paragraph 1 and 24 WpHG that the percentage holding of the voting rights of BlackRock Holdco 6, LLC, New York, USA, in Salzgitter AG exceeded the threshold of 3% on 01.12.2009 and amounts to 3,38% (2,032,129 voting shares) on that day.
All of the voting rights are attributable to BlackRock Holdco 6, LLC pursuant to Section 22 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 N° 6 in connection with sent. 2 WpHG.
4. We should hereby like to inform you pursuant to Sections 21 Paragraph 1 and 24 WpHG that the percentage holding of the voting rights of BlackRock Holdco 4, LLC, New York, USA, in Salzgitter AG exceeded the threshold of 3% on 01.12.2009 and amounts to 3,38% (2,032,129 voting shares) on that day.
All of the voting rights are attributable to BlackRock Holdco 4, LLC pursuant to Section 22 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 N° 6 in connection with sent. 2 WpHG.
5. We should hereby like to inform you pursuant to Sections 21 Paragraph 1 and 24 WpHG that the percentage holding of the voting rights of BlackRock Financial Management, Inc. New York, USA, in Salzgitter AG exceeded the thresholds of 3% and 5% on 01.12.2009 and amounts to 6,31% (3,794,577 voting shares) on that day.
All of the voting rights are attributable to BlackRock Financial Management,, Inc pursuant to Section 22 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 N° 6 in connection with sent. 2 WpHG.
6. We should hereby like to inform you pursuant to Sections 21 Paragraph 1 and 24 WpHG that the percentage holding of the voting rights of BlackRock Holdco 2, Inc., New York, USA, in Salzgitter AG exceeded the thresholds of 3% and 5% on 01.12.2009 and amounts to 6,31% (3,794,577 voting shares) on that day.
All of the voting rights are attributable to BlackRock Holdco 2, Inc. pursuant to Section 22 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 N° 6 in connection with sent. 2 WpHG.
7. We should hereby like to inform you pursuant to Sections 21 Paragraph 1 and 24 WpHG that the percentage holding of the voting rights of BlackRock, Inc., New York, USA, in Salzgitter AG exceeded the threshold of 3% and 5% on 01.12.2009 and amounts to 6,37% (3,828,622 voting shares) on that day.
All of the voting rights are attributable to BlackRock, Inc. pursuant to Section 22 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 N° 6 in connection with sent. 2 WpHG.
weitere (freiwillige) Angaben: Salzgitter AG has received the confirmation from BlackRock that the total shareholding of BlackRock amounts to 6,37% (3,828,622 voting shares) on that day.
Ende der Mitteilung euro adhoc --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Branche: Stahl/Eisen
ISIN: DE0006202005
WKN: 620200
Index: DAX, Midcap Market Index, CDAX, Classic All Share, Prime All
Börsen: Frankfurt / Regulierter Markt/Prime Standard
Berlin / Freiverkehr
Hamburg / Freiverkehr
Stuttgart / Freiverkehr
Düsseldorf / Freiverkehr
München / Freiverkehr
Hannover / Regulierter Markt
Original content of: Salzgitter AG, transmitted by news aktuell