ots Ad hoc-Service: CinemaxX AG <DE0005085708> CinemaxX AG announces issue price for forthcoming capital increase
Hamburg (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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The Board of Management and Supervisory Board have specified an issue price of EUR 18.50 per individual share certificate, for the scheduled capital increase for cash at a ratio of 11:1 through the issue of 1,080,000 bearer shares, each representing a notional EUR 2.56 of capital stock.
The new shares, which will be offered by Dresdner Bank, will carry full dividend entitlements from the 1999/2000 financial year. The subscription period will be from June 5 to 19, 2000.
The existing shareholders, the Flebbe family and Kinepolis Group N.V., of Brussels, - who control approximately 75 % of the share capital prior to the increase - have transferred their subscription rights to Senator Film AG, Berlin. Senator Film AG will moreover acquire further subscription rights and shares, such that it will hold at least 25 % of the capital stock plus one share.
This capital increase will bring the total equity up to at least approx. EUR 80 million. The company therefore has no longer significant borrowings.
The capital measure is intended to speed up the pace of CinemaxX AG's drive to spread throughout Europe. The inflow of funds will in addition be used for the development of new fields of business, in particular in the entertainment sector, for forging new strategic alliances and media and brand partnerships, and for measures aimed at consolidating the cinema market.
Queries: Ernst-Günter Surkus, Investor Relations Tel. (040) 450 68-120, Fax (040) 450 68-218 e-mail: ersu@cinemaxx.de
Thomas Schulz, Presse Tel. (040) 450 68-181, Fax (040) 450 68-209 e-mail: thsc@cinemaxx.de
End Internet: http://recherche.newsaktuell.de
Original content of: CinemaxX Holdings GmbH, transmitted by news aktuell