ots Ad hoc-Service: ELMOS Semiconductor AG <DE0005677108> ELMOS Semiconductor AG announces new sales targets
Dortmund (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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Due to new orders from the mobile telecom business, ELMOS Semiconductor AG revises the sales figure for the year 2001.
While the year 2000 target stays at the communicated 204 Mio. DM (104 Mio. EURO) - this is a growth of 20% compared to 1999 sales - the sales target for year 2001 has been raised significantly to 270 Mio. DM (138 Mio. EURO), which means a growth rate of 30%.
Gross and EBIT margins will be maintained at high levels of more than 50% and 25% respectively.
The solid growth of the automotive core business is eclipsed by the dynamics of the telecom sales, keeping profitability high.
ELMOS Semiconductor AG is a developer and manufacturer of custom specific integrated circuits, based in Dortmund. For more than 10 years, ELMOS has generated 85% of its net sales in the automotive electronics segment.
ELMOS Semiconductor AG Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 1, D-44227 Dortmund
Phone: +49 231 - 75 49 - 0, Fax: +49 231 - 75 49 - 548 eMail:
info@elmos.de Internet: http://www.elmos.de
Internet: http://recherche.newsaktuell.de
Original content of: ELMOS Semiconductor AG, transmitted by news aktuell