HTI High Tech Industries AG

EANS-Adhoc: HTI High Tech Industries AG
Annual result once again improved

30.04.2012 – 15:56

  ad-hoc disclosure transmitted by euro adhoc with the aim of a Europe-wide
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St. Marien / April 30, 2012 - HTI High Tech Industries AG ('HTI'), listed at
the prime market at the Vienna Stock Exchange, looks back on further upwards
development in the business year 2011. All relevant key figures were once again
improved, even though the economy was shattered by a decline in the second half-
year 2011 after a strong first half-year 2011. This decline has been continuing
even through the first quarter 2012.

Consolidated revenues in the year 2011 increased by 7.2% from EUR 193 million
to EUR 207 million. The compared to last year further improved cost structure
of HTI beyond that led to an improvement of profitability. The operative
earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) increased
by 9% from EUR 13.5 million to EUR 14.7 million in the year under review. The
operative earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) improved by 40% from EUR 2.9
million to EUR 4.1 million, portraying an EBIT-margin of 1.9% (after 1.4% last
year). The earnings before tax (EBT) amounted to EUR -2.3 million (after EUR
-4.0 million last year), resulting in an EBT-margin of -1.1% (2010: -2.0%). The
net result after tax improved from EUR -3.9 million in 2010 to EUR -2.2 million
in the year under review.

HTI-CEO Peter Glatzmeier commented on the annual result 2011: 'The structure-
and cost improvement actions have already proved to be effective. Our products
are highly appreciated by our customers. Even though we have felt the strain of
the high uncertainty caused by the sovereign debt crisis, we have managed once
again to increase our revenue- and earnings' figures in the year under review.
For the business year 2012 I also see a high responsibility towards our
financing partners to reduce the indebtedness of the Group.'

The Group's equity increased from EUR 38.3 million as of December 31, 2010 to
EUR 40.8 million as of December 31, 2011. Amongst others this improvement was
the result of some equity measures, carried out by HTI in the year under

Investments increased as a result of an extension in machinery and equipment,
the development costs as well as the takeover of the Hitzinger employee
investment, from EUR 14.4 million to EUR 21.2 million.

Pleasant business development for the segments Lightweight Construction and
Energy Technology
The segments Lightweight Construction and Energy Technology in the year under
review once again generated an improvement of the revenue- and earnings'
figures. In the year 2010 the segment Engineering, strongly depending on
project business, benefited from a large order for extrusion equipment as well
as from a non-recurring earnings' effect in the field of special machines for
the pig iron- and steel industry. Consequently, for this segment in the year
under review comparability is only possible on a limited basis. As for the
segment Lightweight Construction, HTI used the economic recovery of the year
2011 to its advantage, especially the increased order quantities of premium
class vehicles during the first half of the year. The segment Engineering looks
back on extremely positive developments in the fields of pneumatic hammers and
special machines for the pig iron- and steel industry. In the extrusion
business, despite the high number of existing orders, we were subjected to
project postponements and decreasing order quantities, caused by the general
uncertainties, being the result of the sovereign debt crisis. The segment
Energy Technology had a very good business year 2011. Here, especially the
fields of UPS- and airport equipment have to be highlighted, which generated
the highest percentage increases in revenues.

The economic frame conditions in the core markets of the HTI Group remained to
be challenging during the first few months 2012.
Despite these uncertainties, due to the currently pleasant order situation, the
HTI management feels cautiously positive about the year 2012. Generally, HTI is
now in a much better position to deal with economic declines, due to the
optimized cost structure, the higher operational flexibility and the improved
equity situation, than during the crisis years 2008 and 2009. The mid-term
targets to reach an EBIT-margin of around 4% with revenues being substantially
above EUR 200 million and to reduce the Group's indebtedness, remain unchanged.
HTI keeps working on the internal financing power in order to be able to cover
the growth financing primarily on its own. Consequently, HTI permanently
evaluates the Group's structure and the strategic positioning in order to be
able to generate positive effects for the Group, if necessary.

|                                    |      |2011    |2010    |Change     |
|Revenues                            |MEUR  |207.0   |193.0   |+7.2%      |
|Operative earnings before interest, |MEUR  |14.7    |13.5    |+9.0%      |
|tax, depreciation and amortization  |      |        |        |           |
|(EBITDA)                            |      |        |        |           |
|Operative earnings before interest  |MEUR  |4.1     |2.9     |+40.0%     |
|and tax (EBIT)                      |      |        |        |           |
|Earnings before tax (EBT)           |MEUR  |-2.3    |-4.0    |+1.7 MEUR  |
|Net result after tax                |MEUR  |-2.2    |-3.9    |+1.7 MEUR  |
|Earnings per share (undiluted)      |EUR   |-0.07   |-0.15   |+8 Eurocent|

Indicative announcement for financial reports:
HTI High Tech Industries AG announces that the Annual Financial Report 2011  was
published and is available for download on the HTI website under http://www.hti-

Further inquiry note:
HTI High Tech Industries AG
Mr. Peter Glatzmeier
Tel:   +43 (0) 3862 304 - 8590
Fax:  +43 (0) 3862 304 - 7598 

HTI High Tech Industries AG
Mrs. Nadja Goyer
Corporate Communications & Investor Relations
Tel:   +43 (0) 3862 304 - 8562
Fax:  +43 (0) 3862 304 - 7598

end of announcement                               euro adhoc 

issuer:      HTI High Tech Industries AG
             Gruber & Kaja Straße 1
             A-4502 St. Marien bei Neuhofen
phone:       +43(0)3862/304-8562
FAX:         +43(0)3862/304-7598
sector:      Holding companies
ISIN:        AT0000764626
indexes:     WBI, Prime Market
stockmarkets: official market: Wien 
language:   English

Original content of: HTI High Tech Industries AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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