MeteoViva GmbH

MeteoViva and Fraport win dena Energy Efficiency Award 2018

27.11.2018 – 09:36

Frankfurt/Jülich (ots)

The headquarters building of Fraport AG, the operating company of Germany's largest airport in Frankfurt, is a state-of-the-art facility equipped with modern technology. Nevertheless, it was possible to reduce the building's energy cost by 19 percent - thanks to a digital solution from German Proptech MeteoViva. For this accomplishment, both companies have received the prestigious Energy Efficiency Award from the German Energy Agency (dena). In the Energy Efficiency category, they were recognized for using data in an intelligent way so that building technology can be operated even more efficiently.

Carbon emissions were also reduced by 20 percent within the first two years of operation. A rather surprising achievement, considering that the Fraport office building was awarded DGNB Platinum certification. "The fact that we managed to achieve such significant savings in a building constructed according to already excellent environmental standards demonstrates the potential of our predictive approach," emphasizes Dr. Stefan Hardt, Managing Director of MeteoViva.

For Fraport, the award affirms its commitment to sustainability. Fraport intends to reduce the Group's carbon emissions almost by half until 2030. "Reflecting our corporate responsibility, this goal represents a significant part of our contribution to climate protection", explains Dr. Stefan Schulte, Executive Board Chairman of Fraport AG. "The cooperation with MeteoViva is an important milestone in our endeavors to further improve the energy efficiency of our buildings, facilities and processes." Fraport plans to implement the MeteoViva system in additional buildings.

The dena award recognizes projects that make a special contribution to energy transition. A total of 104 international companies submitted entries in 2018, of which 14 were nominated by the jury.


MeteoViva GmbH
Katja Korehnke
Media Relations
Phone: +49 173 532 0909

Fraport AG
Yi-Chun Sandy Chen
Media Relations

Original content of: MeteoViva GmbH, transmitted by news aktuell

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