ots Ad hoc-Service: ERGO Vers.gruppe AG <DE0008418526> ERGO boosts net profit to record level - higher dividend recommended

28.02.2001 – 08:51

Düsseldorf (ots Ad hoc-Service) -

Ad hoc-announcement edited and sent by DGAP. The sender is solely
responsible for the contents of this announcement.
The ERGO Insurance Group is
highly satisfied with the business year 2000: The Group's net profit
increased by more than 70 % to Euro 804 (467) million. Next to an
again improved profit on ordinary activities, the increased net
profit includes the first-time consolidation of the "spezialfonds",
prescribed by the International Accounting Standards (IAS) for the
business year 2000. The revaluation of deferred tax assets and
liabilities, due to the reduction of the corporate tax rate from 40 %
to 25 %, had an additional positive effect on the net profit. Without
this extraordinary tax effect of Euro 246 million the adjusted net
profit amounts to Euro 558 million, 48 % more than the last year's
adjusted net profit of Euro 376 million. Due to the extraordinary
development of the company's growth and profit in the last year, the
Board of Management will propose to the Supervisory Board an increase
of the 2000 dividend by more than 27 % to Euro 1.30 (1.02) per share.
Including the tax credit of Euro 0.56, this means a dividend of Euro
1.86 per share for shareholders who are liable to German Income or
Corporation Tax. The Group's premium income increased by 6.2 % to
Euro 12.7 (11.9) billion in 2000. The share of premiums from abroad
was 13 %, about Euro 1.7 (1.2) billion. All segments contributed to
the premium growth:
Premium income in Euro billion 2000 1999 change Life 5.4 5.1 +
5.3 % Health 3.8 3.6 + 6.7 % Property/Casualty 2.8 2.6 + 8.0 % Legal
Expenses 0.70 0.66 + 5.0 % ERGO total 12.7 11.9 + 6.2 % ERGO's total
investments amount to Euro 88 (84) billion. MEAG and ERGO Trust
manage assets with a market value exceeding Euro 154 billion, an
increase of more than 10 % compared to 1999.
End of message

Original content of: ERGO Group AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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