ots Ad hoc-Service: Villeroy & Boch AG <DE0007657231> Net Income More than Doubled
Mettlach (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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Villeroy & Boch AG is announcing its provisional Group figures for the 1999 financial year. The figures show an increase of roughly 8 % on 1998 consolidated sales, bringing the total to DM 1.63 billion, as compared with DM 1.51 billion in the previous financial year. The result from ordinary operations totalled approx. DM 50 million, thus improving the previous year's result (DM 36.1 million) by roughly 40 %. Net income more than doubled, rising from DM 22.4 million in 1998 to reach roughly DM 47 million.
The Tableware Division contributed to consolidated sales in 1999 with a growth of 6.6 % bringing the total to DM 578.8 million (1998: DM 542.8 million). This increase was achieved against a background of declining sales on the domestic market, for which more than adequate compensation was provided by the double-figure growth in export business. Owing to the positive development of newly-launched products and the high degree of market acceptance experienced by CeramicPlus (easy-care ceramic sanitary ware) the Bathroom and Kitchen Division was able to move against the trend in 1999, increasing its sales by 12 % to DM 430.0 million (1998: DM 383.8 million). After structural adjustment, the Tile Division recorded a slight sales decline of 2.1 % in the 1999 financial year, bringing the total to DM 551.7 million (1998: DM 563.6 million), while average net sales price showed a distinct improvement, as a result of the orientation towards medium and high-quality product ranges. Sales of the new Plastics Division totalled DM 71.0 million.
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Original-Content von: Villeroy & Boch AG, übermittelt durch news aktuell