Circular Valley

Circular Valley selects 15 start-ups from a field of international applicants for EU Green Deal

31.05.2021 – 14:45

  • Circular Economy Accelerator selects 15 start-ups for the first batch
  • Broad arena of topics for circular value creation
  • The Accelerator program allows a unique worldwide exchange between industry, science and politics
  • The next application phase will begin in July, 2021

Wuppertal, April 31, 2021 – The Circular Economy Accelerator in Circular Valley has made a decision in the final selection of 15 start-ups for the first batch. The start-ups have thus prevailed in a field of top-class international competitors. The Accelerator program that has been specially tailored for them by Circular Valley awaits them. If the Corona situation permits, this will begin virtually from mid-June, 2021.

All of the participating start-ups will be concerned, in particular, with issues relating to the closure of material cycles in terms of the European Green Deal and the development of business models for the circular economy. Carsten Gerhardt, Chairman of the Circular Valley Foundation summarises: "The 15 start-ups cover a broad range of topics: from the use of bio-based raw materials and circular solutions in the construction industry, solutions for collecting plastics in rivers, alternative packaging materials, recycling of electronic waste, reduction of food waste and repair solutions for household appliances to high-quality textile recycling." The start-ups are both foreign and domestic. In addition to Europe, their business activities are also conducted in Asia and Australia.

Since far more start-ups applied than the number of positions that were available, all of the applicants were reviewed and evaluated by a panel of experts. An exclusive exchange with a unique diversity of the world's leading companies from industry, science and politics now awaits the 15 selected companies in Circular Valley.

The goal will be to allow the holistic reuse of previously used materials and to make this appealing from an economic standpoint. This will noticeably reduce emissions, pollution of the earth, air and water and the need for new raw materials.

A new application phase for the second batch will commence by mid-August, 2021. Once again, the search will be on for start-ups that are involved in the topic of circular value creation.

Circular Valley has set for itself the goal of developing technologies that will counter the ever-increasing global problem of more than 100 billion tons of emissions (CO2, construction waste, production waste and household waste). Most of these emissions occur because our economic system is linear. This means that materials are produced, used and disposed of. Genuine recycling often cannot take place because it is not technically possible. Thus, the Earth is becoming a giant landfill. Start-ups from around the globe are coming together in Circular Valley to develop circular solutions on pre-defined topics in an exchange with economists and scientists.

Further information can be found at

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Sven C. Stein
Circular Valley
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