Rosenbauer International AG

euro adhoc: Rosenbauer International AG
Financial Figures/Balance Sheet
. Rise in revenue of + 16% to 372.0 m EUR . EBIT increase of + 28% to 25.1 m EUR . Record level of orders . Proposal: Dividend of + 40% to 2.8 EUR per share . Proposal to a stock

27.04.2007 – 07:59

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
  for the content of this announcement.
annual report/ROSENBAUER GROUP: Financial statements 2006 / Outlook 
|KEY FIGURES                       |        |2006     |2005     |Changes in %|
|Revenue                           |in m EUR|372.0    |321.3    |+ 16%       |
|EBIT                              |in m EUR|25.1     |19.6     |+ 28%       |
|EBT                               |in m EUR|22.0     |15.9     |+ 38%       |
|Consolidated profit               |in m EUR|18.4     |12.0     |+ 53%       |
|Cash flow from operating          |in m EUR|(1.4)    |21.9     |(106%)      |
|activities                        |        |         |         |            |
|Total assets                      |in m EUR|206.2    |168.8    |+ 22%       |
|Equity in % of total assets       |        |30,7%    |36,9%    |(17%)       |
|Investments                       |in m EUR|11.2     |7.9      | + 42%      |
|Earnings per share                |EUR     |8.0      |4.1      |+ 95%       |
|Dividend per share                |EUR     |2.8*     |2.0      |+ 40%       |
|Employees                         |        |1,452    |1,407    | + 3%       |
|Order intake                      |in m EUR|485.9    |377.0    |+ 29%       |
|Order backlog as at Dec 31        |in m EUR|354.1    |243.1    |+ 46%       |
* Proposal to the Annual General Meeting
Group revenues rose last year to 372.0 m EUR (2005: 321.3 m EUR), the highest
figure ever. All the segments contributed to the 50.7 m EUR increase in
revenues. Export sales from Austria, stepped-up shipments of aerials from
Karlsruhe, increased sales volumes on the Spanish market and continued growth in
the Group's US business were all key drivers here.
The international export successes of Rosenbauer International AG, the
turnaround at Metz Aerials and a massive increase in output were the crucial
factors enabling the operating result (EBIT) to be raised by 28% to 25.1 m EUR
(2005: 19.6 m EUR).
Profit before tax (EBT) rose in line with EBIT to 22.0 m EUR (2005: 15.9 m EUR).
The taxation ratio decreased from 24.3% in 2005 to 16.4%. The main reason for
this decrease is the utilization of not yet capitalized loss carryforwards
resulting from Metz Aerials. This kept the stated taxation  expense of 3.6 m EUR
below the previous year's figure (2005: 3.9 m EUR). The consolidated profit rose
to 18.4 m EUR (2005: 12.0 m EUR).
Despite the redemption of the "Subordinated mezzanine capital"  before  the  end
of the year, the  substantial improvement in the result meant that equity
capitalization still finished the year slightly higher, at 63.4 m EUR  (2005:
62.2 m EUR, incl. "Subordinated mezzanine capital"). At 30.7 %, the Group's
equity ratio remained below the previous year's figure after redemption of the
beneficial interest (2005: 36.9 %), owing to the larger balance-sheet total.
The net cash flow from operating activities decreased last year to -1.4 m EUR
(2005: 21.9 m EUR). This deterioration, despite the substantially better result,
is primarily attributable to the inventories purchased before the year-end, with
a view to fulfilling the large volume of orders on hand, and to the  higher
volume of receivables at the year-end as compared to the previous year.
Corporate Actions The internationally noted fire apparatus supplier 
Rosenbauer will be putting a 4 : 1 (four for one) share split to the 
vote at its 15th General Meeting on  May 25, 2007, increasing the 
number of shares in issue from 1.7 m to 6.8 m. In future, each 
non-par-value share will embody a 2.0 EUR portion of the nominal 
share capital. The share split reflects the continued strong 
performance of  the Rosenbauer share. In connection with the approval
of the share split, a motion will  be  presented for the nominal 
share capital to be increased from 12.4 m EUR to 13.6 m EUR, from the
company's own resources, by conversion of the relevant partial amount
from the committed capital reserve and without the issuance of new 
Outlook Continued growth in the company. In view of the high volume 
of order backlog  at the end of 2006, and the upbeat forecasts for 
the main markets, Management is confident of further revenue and 
earnings growth this year. This will be conditional upon smooth 
fulfillment of the high volumes to be supplied - especially towards 
year-end 2007.
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 27.04.2007 07:28:00

Further inquiry note:

For further information please contact:
Robert Kastil, Member of the Executive Board
Gerda Königstorfer, Investor Relations, Spokesperson
Phone: +43 732 6794-568
Mobile: +43 664 4547636

Branche: Machine Manufacturing
ISIN: AT0000922554
WKN: 892502
Index: WBI, ATX Prime
Börsen: Börse Berlin-Bremen / free trade
Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Wiener Börse AG / official dealing

Original content of: Rosenbauer International AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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