euro adhoc: BWT Aktiengesellschaft
Financial Figures/Balance Sheet
Further Growth in the First Quarter 2007

16.05.2007 – 08:06

  Disclosure announcement transmitted by euro adhoc. The issuer is responsible
  for the content of this announcement.
3-month report
•  Sales +7.9% to EUR 89.2 million
•  Net result +11.2% to EUR 6.4 million
•  Positive outlook for the full year 2007
Good economic conditions in the first quarter of 2007 and the chosen 
strategy brought about improving results for the BWT Group. Group 
consolidated sales rose by 7.9% in the first three months from EUR 
82.6 million to EUR 89.2 million.
CEO Andreas Weissenbacher comments: "Growth in Eastern Europe exceeds
our expectations while we notice a more mixed picture in our Western 
European markets. In the new Point-of-Use-segment we receive 
extraordinary positive reactions on our new product programme and 
progress in the fuel cell activities open up a variety of development
The first quarter of 2007 was characterized by the start of 
production and launch of the water+more point-of-use coffee machine 
filter range in Germany, France, Italy and Spain as well as 
successful presentation of the extensive BWT product range under the 
slogan "Safety, Hygiene and Health" at the largest sanitation trade 
fair worldwide, the ISH in Frankfurt. Despite the additional expenses
associated with these activities, BWT achieved positive development 
of net profit (+11.2%) and EBIT (+6.3%) in comparison to the previous
year. EBIT (result from operating activities) of the BWT Group 
improved in the first three months of the previous year from EUR 8.4 
million to EUR 9.0 million. Net profit after minorities rose by 11.2%
from EUR 5.7 million to EUR 6.4 million. Earnings per share were EUR 
0.36 as against EUR 0.32 in the previous year.
Within the framework of the Austria/Germany segment, FuMA-Tech GmbH, 
which focuses on the development, production and marketing of 
specialist membranes for fuel cells, increased its sales from EUR 0.4
million to EUR 0.7 million. Collaborations with reputable 
international partners were further expanded in the first quarter of 
Gearing amounted to 27.1% and worsened as against December 31, 2006 
(22.6%) as a result of the higher demand for working capital. The 
equity ratio in the BWT Group continued to be good: 42.5% of the 
balance sheet total compared to 42.6% as at December 31, 2006 and 
38.6% a year ago represent a sound basis for further financing of 
growth for the BWT Group.  Investments amounted to EUR 3.0 million 
for fixed assets, of which EUR 0.9 million were securities. The 
number of staff increased to 2,221 as at March 31, 2007, in 
comparison to 2,202 employees as at December 31, 2006 and 2,069 at 
the same point in time in the previous year. The point-of-use 
business is responsible for a significant proportion of this 
Outlook At the end of March 2007, the book order level for the BWT 
Group was EUR 65.1 million, an increase of 25.7% as compared with the
same point in time in the previous year. All key individual companies
contributed to this pleasing increase, from which a positive sales 
development can be anticipated in the next few months.
The BWT Group will continue to implement its expanded growth strategy based on
the three pillars of
•       Innovation
•       Geographical expansion and
•       Organic growth
with momentum and consistency.
The expansion steps initiated in relation to Eastern Europe, Asia and
the point-of-use business as well as the expected unchanged positive 
economic environment in the water growth market represent a basis on 
which Group consolidated sales of more than EUR 380 million and net 
profit of EUR 25 million can be anticipated for the current financial
end of announcement                               euro adhoc 16.05.2007 07:30:00

Further inquiry note:

BWT Aktiengesellschaft
Mag. Ralf Burchert
Tel.: +43 (0)6232/5010-1113

Branche: Water Supply
ISIN: AT0000737705
WKN: 884042
Index: ATX Prime
Börsen: Wiener Börse AG / official market

Original content of: BWT AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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