ots Ad hoc-Service: Girindus AG <DE0005880405>
Bergisch-Gladbach (ots Ad hoc-Service) -
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. Sales and earnings according to plan . Reorientation accelerated . High investments in R&D, technologies and personnel . 6 new APIs: just the beginning
Sales and earnings of Girindus AG developed according to plan in the first six months of FY 2000. At DEM 12.3 million, first-half sales reached almost exactly the targeted DEM 12.4 million. Earnings per share stood at a negative DEM 0.56 compared to a planned negative DEM 0.51. At a negative DEM 3.8 million, the operating result was better than the projected DEM 4.2 million. Girindus has clearly accelerated its development into the leading one-stop-shop- supplier of innovative therapeutic active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) based on small molecules, proteins/enzymes, oligonucleotides/plasmide DNA and carbohydrates. Six new APIs with high margins have already been acquired. But this is just the beginning. "Our reorientation into a highly profitable one-stop-shop-supplier of innovative next-generation APIs will result in additional API projects with high margins in the near future. Another 4 API inquiries are currently being processed," said Board Chairman Fritz Link. The sales potential per API is approx. DM 50 million if the drug obtains official approval. Girindus will constantly have a large number of APIs in its pipeline. Its acknowledged expertise and comprehensive know-how makes Girindus the preferred partner of the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry when it comes to developing API cost- and time-effective up to the final approval stage. Girindus offers process development, Scale-Up, regulatory support and commercial production in cGMP compliance applying technologies of biotechnology and chemistry.
Press contact: Haubrok AG Kaistraße 8 40221 Düsseldorf Tel.: 0211/30 126-116 Fax: 0211/30 126-198 E-Mail: ms@haubrok-ir.de
End Internet: http://recherche.newsaktuell.de
Original-Content von: Girindus AG i.L., übermittelt durch news aktuell