Deutsche Post DHL Group

PM: DHL Supply Chain und Monta beschleunigen ihr internationales E-Commerce-Wachstum durch eine Partnerschaft
PM: DHL Supply Chain and Monta accelerate their international e-commerce growth ambitions by partnering up

26.09.2022 – 12:00

DHL Supply Chain und Monta beschleunigen ihr internationales E-Commerce-Wachstum durch eine Partnerschaft.

  • DHL hat eine Vereinbarung über den Erwerb einer Mehrheitsbeteiligung am niederländischen E-Commerce-Spezialisten Monta unterzeichnet. Ziel ist eine starke Partnerschaft und der internationale Rollout von Montas E-Fulfillment-Services, insbesondere für kleine und mittlere Online-Shops.
  • Die Partnerschaft unterstreicht die strategische Ausrichtung von Deutsche Post DHL Group, das logistische Kerngeschäft zu stärken und durch den Fokus auf das schnell wachsende E-Commerce- und E-Fulfillment-Geschäft langfristiges Wachstum zu erzielen.
  • Monta wird sein strategisches Ziel beschleunigen und damit seinen Kunden helfen, ihr Geschäft international zu erweitern.
  • Die Vereinbarung unterliegt der Prüfung durch die Wettbewerbs- und Kartellbehörden.

26. September 2022, Bonn – DHL Supply Chain, ein Unternehmensbereich von Deutsche Post DHL Group, gibt heute den Erwerb einer Mehrheitsbeteiligung am niederländischen E-Commerce-Spezialisten Monta bekannt. Beide Unternehmen streben eine starke Partnerschaft an, um kleine und mittlere Online-Shops im Bereich E-Fulfillment und Online-Vertrieb zu unterstützen. Durch die Beschleunigung des internationalen Rollouts von Montas Logistikservices kann DHL noch besser auf die spezifischen Bedürfnisse von KMU und kleineren Webshops eingehen und Monta wiederum kann seine schnell wachsenden Kunden auch international besser bedienen.

Monta wurde 1999 gegründet und hat sich schnell zu einem der führenden Anbieter von E-Commerce- und E-Fulfillment-Services in den Niederlanden entwickelt. Mit 1.000 Mitarbeitern und 14 Fulfillment-Standorten wickelt das Unternehmen zwölf Millionen E-Commerce-Bestellungen ab und erwirtschaftete 2021 einen Jahresumsatz von mehr als 100 Millionen Euro. Monta bedient derzeit etwa 1.500 kleine und mittlere Online-Shops und E-Seller mit einer breiten Palette von softwaregestützten Fulfillment-Services.

„Mit einem Team von 1.000 Logistikexperten, einer starken Präsenz auf dem E-Commerce-Markt, bewährten Prozessen und einer tollen Erfolgsbilanz bei der Steigerung der Kundenzahlen durch den strategischen Einsatz von Spitzentechnologien wie KI, Data Science und kollaborativen Robotern ist Monta für uns der perfekte Partner, um den Service international auszubauen. Wir werden die Fähigkeiten, die Expertise und die Kultur von Monta beibehalten und weiter ausbauen, um kundenorientierte Lösungen im schnell wachsenden E-Commerce-Segment anzubieten“, sagt Oscar de Bok, CEO von DHL Supply Chain.

Die umfassende globale und europäische Präsenz von DHL sowie die Expertise in der Standardisierung und schnellen Skalierung von Logistikprozessen ergänzen Montas schlanke und agile Logistikkompetenz im E-Fulfillment für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen. Die Partnerschaft vereint das Beste aus beiden Welten. So profitieren sowohl die Kunden von DHL als auch die Bestandskunden von Monta vom Unternehmergeist Montas und der starken internationalen Expertise, Infrastruktur und dem Netzwerk von DHL Supply Chain.

„Unsere Vision ist es, unser in den Niederlanden erfolgreiches Geschäftsmodell auch grenzüberschreitend zu nutzen und so unseren Kunden beim Ausbau ihres internationalen Geschäfts zu helfen. Monta hat in letzter Zeit international expandiert, woraufhin auch mehrere Monta-Kunden bereits international expandiert haben. Die Partnerschaft beschleunigt diese Entwicklung weiter. Unseren Beschäftigten ermöglicht diese Transaktion auch, ihre langfristigen beruflichen Perspektiven zu erweitern. Wir arbeiten seit vielen Jahren mit DHL zusammen und haben festgestellt, dass wir kulturell hervorragend zueinander passen. Ich freue mich auf eine echte Partnerschaft zwischen den Teams von Monta und DHL Supply Chain“, sagt Edwin van der Ham, Eigentümer und CEO von Monta.

„Diese Pläne unterstreichen unser Engagement, unser E-Commerce-Geschäft in ganz Europa auszubauen und unseren Kunden weiterhin die besten Fulfillment-Lösungen zu bieten. Durch eine starke Partnerschaft mit Monta werden wir unsere Fähigkeiten stärken und können so noch besser auf die Bedürfnisse kleiner und mittlerer E-Commerce-Kunden eingehen. Ich freue mich sehr auf unsere Zusammenarbeit in den kommenden Jahren“, sagt Hendrik Venter, CEO von DHL Supply Chain EMEA.

DHL Supply Chain bietet seinen Kunden umfassende Logistik- und Datenmanagement-lösungen für das Lieferkettenmanagement und den E-Commerce, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf Nachhaltigkeit und Servicequalität liegt. Ein globales Netzwerk von Logistikexperten und das starke lokale Know-how gehören zu den Schlüsselkompetenzen des Unternehmens. DHL Supply Chain beschäftigt in Europa 30.000 Logistikfachleute in seinen Lagern und Transportbetrieben.

Die Vereinbarung unterliegt der Prüfung durch die Wettbewerbs- und Kartellbehörden.

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Pictured: Leonard Aerts, Chief Customer Officer DHL Supply Chain EMEA and Edwin van der Ham, Owner and CEO of Monta

Media Contact

Deutsche Post DHL Group

Media Relations

Daniel Pohl

Tel.: +49 228 182-9944


DHL – The logistics company for the world

DHL is the leading global brand in the logistics industry. Our DHL divisions offer an unrivalled portfolio of logistics services ranging from national and international parcel delivery, e-commerce shipping and fulfillment solutions, international express, road, air and ocean transport to industrial supply chain management. With about 380,000 employees in more than 220 countries and territories worldwide, DHL connects people and businesses securely and reliably, enabling global sustainable trade flows. With specialized solutions for growth markets and industries including technology, life sciences and healthcare, engineering, manufacturing & energy, auto-mobility and retail, DHL is decisively positioned as “The logistics company for the world”.

DHL is part of Deutsche Post DHL Group. The Group generated revenues of more than 81 billion euros in 2021. With sustainable business practices and a commitment to society and the environment, the Group makes a positive contribution to the world. Deutsche Post DHL Group aims to achieve net-zero emissions logistics by 2050.

About Monta

Monta is a leading provider of software-enabled fulfilment services and warehouse management software to help customers build a successful online business. Monta addresses the end-to-end logistics demands for more than 1,500 online shops and e-sellers, including inbound logistics, storage, order picking, packaging, outbound logistics and returns handling worldwide. Monta focuses on serving fast-growing small and medium sized online shops and e-sellers. Monta’s software is developed in-house and includes data science and AI capabilities to help its customer’s process orders as efficiently as possible. Monta’s software platform offers integrations with a broad array of e-commerce marketplaces. It helps webshops to increase their conversion rates by offering a universal checkout, allowing consumers to choose their desired shipper, delivery and return options worldwide. Monta’s warehouse management software also provides an end-to-end solution for customers to optimally manage their own warehousing and fulfilment processes.


DHL Supply Chain and Monta accelerate their international e-commerce growth ambitions by partnering up.

  • DHL signed an agreement to acquire a majority stake in the Dutch e-commerce specialist Monta, aiming for a strong partnership and international roll-out of Monta’s e-fulfillment services, especially for small and mid-sized webshops.
  • The partnership underlines Deutsche Post DHL Group’s strategic focus to strengthen its core logistics business and deliver long-term growth by focusing on the fast growing e-commerce and e-fulfillment business.
  • Monta will be able to accelerate its strategic ambition to help its customer scale their business internationally.
  • This deal is subject to review by the antitrust authorities.

September 26, 2022, Bonn – Today DHL Supply Chain, part of the Deutsche Post DHL Group, has announced the acquisition of a majority stake in Dutch e-commerce specialist Monta. Both companies are aiming for a strong partnership to serve small and mid-sized webshops in e-fulfillment and online sales. In accelerating the international roll out of Monta’s logistics services, DHL will be able to respond even better to the specific needs of SME’s and smaller webshop customers and Monta is able to better serve its fast growing customers.

Founded in 1999, Monta has rapidly become one of the leading providers of e-commerce and e-fulfillment services in The Netherlands. With a workforce of 1,000 people and 14 fulfillment locations, the company handles 12 Mio e-commerce orders and generated an annual revenue of more than 100 Mio EUR in 2021. Monta currently services ca. 1,500 small and mid-sized fast-growing online shops and e-sellers through a wide range of software-enabled fulfilment services and warehouse management software.

“With its dedicated team of 1,000 logistics experts, a strong footprint in the e-commerce market, proven processes and an outstanding track record in growing their customers through strategically leveraging cutting edge technologies such as AI, Data Science and collaborative robotics, Monta is a perfect match for us to grow their service internationally. We will maintain and build upon Monta’s valued current capabilities, expertise and culture to provide excellent, customer centric solutions in the fast growing e-commerce segment”, says Oscar de Bok, CEO for DHL Supply Chain.

DHL's extensive global and European footprint, as well as the expertise in standardizing and scaling logistics processes fast will complement Monta's lean and agile logistics expertise in

e-fulfillment for small and mid-sized companies. By leveraging the best of both worlds, DHL’s customers, as well as Monta’s existing customers, will both benefit from the entrepreneurial spirit that signifies Monta’s way of doing business withthe strong international expertise, infrastructure and network of DHL Supply Chain.

“Our vision is to roll out our successful business model in the Netherlands across the border, to help our customers scale their business internationally as well. Monta has recently expanded internationally, which already led to the international expansion of several Monta customers. This transaction further accelerates this development. For our staff, this transaction also expands their long-term career perspectives. We have been working with DHL for numerous years and experienced an excellent cultural fit. I am looking forward to a true partnership between the teams of Monta and DHL Supply Chain”, says Edwin van der Ham, Owner and CEO of Monta.

“These plans signify our commitment to grow our e-commerce business across Europe and continue to provide the best fulfillment solutions for our customers. By forming a strong partnership with Monta we will strengthen our capabilities to respond even better to small and medium sized e-commerce customers’ needs. I am delighted and looking forward to our mutual cooperation in the years to come”, says Hendrik Venter, CEO DHL Supply Chain EMEA.

DHL Supply Chain provides its customers with extensive logistics and data management solutions for their supply chain management and e-commerce operations, with a focus on sustainability and service quality. A global network of supply chain specialists and the strong local expertise are among the company's key capabilities. In Europe, DHL Supply Chain employs 30,000 logistics professionals at its warehouses and transport operations.

This deal is subject to review by the antitrust authorities.

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Pictured: Leonard Aerts, Chief Customer Officer DHL Supply Chain EMEA and Edwin van der Ham, Owner and CEO of Monta

Media Contact

Deutsche Post DHL Group

Media Relations

Daniel Pohl

Tel.: +49 228 182-9944


DHL – The logistics company for the world

DHL is the leading global brand in the logistics industry. Our DHL divisions offer an unrivalled portfolio of logistics services ranging from national and international parcel delivery, e-commerce shipping and fulfillment solutions, international express, road, air and ocean transport to industrial supply chain management. With about 380,000 employees in more than 220 countries and territories worldwide, DHL connects people and businesses securely and reliably, enabling global sustainable trade flows. With specialized solutions for growth markets and industries including technology, life sciences and healthcare, engineering, manufacturing & energy, auto-mobility and retail, DHL is decisively positioned as “The logistics company for the world”.

DHL is part of Deutsche Post DHL Group. The Group generated revenues of more than 81 billion euros in 2021. With sustainable business practices and a commitment to society and the environment, the Group makes a positive contribution to the world. Deutsche Post DHL Group aims to achieve net-zero emissions logistics by 2050.

About Monta

Monta is a leading provider of software-enabled fulfilment services and warehouse management software to help customers build a successful online business. Monta addresses the end-to-end logistics demands for more than 1,500 online shops and e-sellers, including inbound logistics, storage, order picking, packaging, outbound logistics and returns handling worldwide. Monta focuses on serving fast-growing small and medium sized online shops and e-sellers. Monta’s software is developed in-house and includes data science and AI capabilities to help its customer’s process orders as efficiently as possible. Monta’s software platform offers integrations with a broad array of e-commerce marketplaces. It helps webshops to increase their conversion rates by offering a universal checkout, allowing consumers to choose their desired shipper, delivery and return options worldwide. Monta’s warehouse management software also provides an end-to-end solution for customers to optimally manage their own warehousing and fulfilment processes.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / With kind regards

Deutsche Post DHL Group

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