EKD - Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland

Prominent voices call for an immediate search and rescue programme

04.06.2019 – 11:19

Hannover (ots)

Europe must stop people drowning in the Mediterranean. Not sometime in the future, but this year. A political emergency solution is needed, a Europe-wide mechanism for distributing those saved from distress at sea. It is time to fully respond to the great readiness to help expressed by cities, municipalities and citizens. Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, chair of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany, and Palermo's mayor Leoluca Orlando made this clear yesterday in a joint declaration. The initiative is now receiving cross-party support. Robert Habeck, Henriette Reker, Ruprecht Polenz and Gesine Schwan have taken up the Palermo Appeal, along with clergy from Germany and Sweden.

View the video with voices of prominent supporters, together with members of the Sea-Watch crew and Sea Bridge movement, at https://youtu.be/6-mnozrZdOA

Read the full Palermo declaration: https://www.ekd.de/verteilmechanismus-fuer-bootsfluechtlinge-gefordert-46692.htm

For further information on the topic, go to www.ekd.de/flucht

Hanover, 4 June 2019

EKD Press Office


Carsten Splitt
Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland
Stabsstelle Kommunikation
Herrenhäuser Strasse 12
D-30419 Hannover
Telefon: 0511 - 2796 - 269
E-Mail: presse@ekd.de

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