mybet Holding SE

ots Ad hoc-Service: AG <DE0005763502> acquires exclusive rights to online marketing of horse betting

04.10.2000 – 08:04

Kiel (ots Ad hoc-Service) -

Ad hoc-announcement edited and sent by DGAP. The sender is solely
responsible for the contents of this announcement.
- Takeover of Telewette completed - Acquisition of exclusive
marketing rights to flat racing in Germany for Internet, TV and
telephone AG (Reuters Code FXXG.F), of Kiel, an Internet service
company and Germany's leading provider of Internet gambling services,
today completed the takeover of DVR Telewette GmbH on the basis of
the agreement concluded in July. now holds an 80 percent
stake in the Cologne-based company, which specialises in
telephone-based horse betting and operates its own TV programme on
the news channel n-tv. Last year, DVR Telewetten GmbH handled betting
stakes totalling in excess of DM 16 million.
In addition to the original agreement, along with the signing of
the contract has also acquired the exclusive rights to
market betting on flat racing via all online media (digital TV,
Internet, WAP, UMTS, telephone). In Great Britain, around DM 580
million was recently offered for a comparable 10-year licence for
interactive media rights. The amount invested by in the
acquisition of Telewette, including all associated rights, does not
exceed a single-digit number of millions.
The market potential for horse, sports and event betting in
Germany is by no means exhausted, and according to a study conducted
by Emnid is worth around DM 10 billion per year.

Contact: AG, Investor Relations, Stefan Zenker, tel.:
+49.431.8810484 or +49.40.85378847, mobile: +49.173.9138705, fax:
+49.431.8810470, e-mail:


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