ots Ad hoc-Service: Plambeck Neue Energien <DE0006910300> e-on feeds in electricity from Plambeck offshore wind park

07.11.2000 – 17:02

Ad hoc-announcement edited and sent by DGAP. The sender is solely
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   Cuxhaven (ots Ad hoc-Service) - Plambeck Neue Energien AG WKN
Plambeck Neue Energien AG is getting much more closer to its goal
- the implementation of an offshore wind park in the North Sea. The
supplier e-on Netz agreed to feed in electricity which will be
generated in the offshore wind park. The electricity generated in the
plants during the pilot phase can be fed in the inland electricity
network via the transformer station Emden-Borkum. For this purpose,
e-on Netz agreed to make the necessary draft for the connection point
of the network, further steps can follow in co- operation with
Plambeck Neue Energien AG.
Plambeck Neue Energien AG intends to begin with the construction
of the offshore wind park "Borkum Riffgrund" in the North Sea at a
distance of approx. 40 km to the north of the island Borkum in
2003/2004. In the meantime, the company is expecting all necessary
approvals. First, 30 plants will be constructed during a pilot phase
and examinations and analysis are to be carried out as well. The
offshore wind park shall be constructed in different phases over
several years. The first construction phase of the planned wind park
with a capacity of 90 MW as well as the connection to the available
inland network can be ensured thanks to the agreement of e-on Netz.
Moreover, e-on Netz agreed to make a general draft for the connection
of all planned wind power plants of the offshore wind park.
Plambeck Neue Energien AG Public Relations
For further information please contact: Rainer Heinsohn, Public
Relations, Ph.: +49 4721/ 718-453

Original content of: PNE WIND AG, transmitted by news aktuell

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