1&1 Mail & Media Applications SE

ots Ad hoc-Service: WEB.DE AG <DE0005296503> WEB.DE Quarter II

27.07.2000 – 07:51

Karlsruhe (ots Ad hoc-Service) -

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WEB.DE Quarterly report - sales targets exceeded by 150%, user
numbers almost double.
WEB.DE AG, Karlsruhe, the operator of the Internet portal WEB.DE
and a provider of e-mail and communications services, expanded its
operations substantially in the second quarter and exceeded the
targets set in the course of its IPO several times over.
Business developments In the second quarter of 2000, the WEB.DE
group generated sales revenue amounting to EUR 4.403 million as
opposed to EUR 1.543 million in the first quarter of 2000 and EUR
0.847 million in the comparable period of the previous year. This
represents an increase of 185% as against the first quarter of 2000,
and one of 520% as against the second quarter of 1999. In addition,
this sales revenue is 150% up on the Q2 targets published at the time
of the IPO.
The positive development in sales led to a reduction in the net
loss for the second quarter of 2000 to EUR 4.679 million, as opposed
to EUR 7.673 million in the first quarter of 2000. The
quarter-on-quarter net loss thus declined significantly, despite
forward-looking marketing expenses amounting to EUR 8.237 million,
which increased for seasonal reasons.
Whereas the result for the first quarter of 2000 after adjustment
for marketing expenses was still a negative EUR 0.317 million, a
profit of EUR 3.76 million before marketing investments and
amortization of goodwill was generated for the second quarter.
Key Internet figures The rapid growth in the first quarter of 2000
continued in the second quarter. The number of page impressions rose
from 108 million in March 2000 to 152 million in June 2000. The
number of registered users nearly doubled from roughly 880,000 in
March 2000 to 1.5 million at the end of June 2000. In the second
quarter of 2000 WEB.DE overtook competitors T-Online.de, Yahoo.de,
and Lycos.de to assume the lead in terms of gross unique pages and
stickiness according to MMXI Europe's online media audience rating.
Human resources developments WEB.DE was able to substantially
increase its workforce in the past quarter. The group employed a
total of 217 people as at 30 June 2000, as opposed to a mere 76 on 31
March 2000. This growth, which is partly organic and partly due to
acquisitions, has significantly strengthened the group's development,
producing, sales and marketing resources. WEB.DE's new human
resources capacity offers a strong basis for achieving its strategic
product, market and sales targets in the coming months.
The expansion in employee numbers and the strategic participations
and acquisitions made in the course of the current quarter have laid
a solid foundation for further dynamic growth. These efforts,
together with the successful first half of 2000 will enable WEB.DE to
exceed substantially the original sales estimates of EUR 9.4 million
for 2000 made at the time of the IPO.


WEB.DE AG, Richard Berg, Investor Relations, tel. +49 (0) 721
94329 0, fax. +49 (0) 721 94329 22, e-mail
investor.relations@webde-ag.de, http://webde-ag.de

Internet: http://recherche.newsaktuell.de

Original content of: 1&1 Mail & Media Applications SE, transmitted by news aktuell

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