Latest stories

  • 15.04.2015 – 12:29

    CIVIS Medienstiftung

    CIVIS Media Prize 2015: 21 programmes nominated

    Köln (ots) - 21 radio, film, television and online presentations have been nominated for the European CIVIS Media Prize for Integration and cultural Diversity 2015. A total of 700 programmes from 21 EU countries and Switzerland were entered for the competition. Westdeutsche Rundfunk received four nominations. Two nominations each went to Swiss Radio and ...

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  • 25.03.2015 – 10:30


    Helaba Group reports profit of EUR 607 million before tax

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - New all-time high in the company's history Good operating business leads to rise in income from net interest, fees and commission Higher dividend payment with simultaneous consolidation of capital base Core capital ratio (CET-1) reaches 13.4 per cent, total capital ratio 18.5 per cent Strategic push into foreign trade finance as ...

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  • 25.11.2014 – 08:44


    Helaba Group achieves result of EUR 507 million by end of third quarter

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - New all time high in Group result expected for 2014 as a whole - Net income from interest, fees and commission continues to grow - New business from customers rises to EUR 12.5 billion - Financial ratios show solid development By the end of the third quarter of 2014, Helaba ...

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  • 27.05.2014 – 08:49


    Helaba: Good start in 2014

    Frankfurt am Main (ots) - - Quarterly results, as expected, slightly below previous year - Further growth in customer business and in net interest income - CET-1-Capital ratio at the end of March, 12.4 percent; total capital ratio 17.2 percent In the financial year 2014, Helaba for the first time presents its accounts in line with the new consolidation requirements of IFRS 10. In principle, the resulting ...

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  • 08.05.2014 – 20:45

    CIVIS Medienstiftung

    CIVIS Media Prize 2014 - ten programmes honoured in Berlin

    Berlin (ots) - New CIVIS Cinema Prize goes to "Fack ju Göhte" Eight European radio and TV programmes as well as one Web portal were honoured on Thursday evening (8.5.) in Berlin with the renowned CIVIS Media Prize for Integration and Cultural Diversity. Two of the awards, which are endowed with prizes of 3,000 Euros per category, went to productions from ...

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