Press release

Up to 10 % compostable plastic do not affect mechanical properties of recyclates


Berlin (ots) -

Up to 10 percent compostable plastics mixing with conventional plastics in post-consumer recycling streams show no or negligible impact on the mechanical performance of the recyclates. This is the key finding of a meta-study published by European Bioplastics.

Bioplastics are biobased, compostable, or both. Biobased plastics films are chemically identical to their conventional counterparts and are easy to manage in recycling streams. Compostable plastics are designed for organic recycling and should be collected accordingly. They are marked for this purpose with logos such as the Seedling.

In the event that compostable plastics end up in recycling streams, the prevalent sorting technologies are able to sort them with little residual waste. "Studies and field trials have demonstrated that in the uneventful case a small fraction of compostable plastics ends up in the PE recycle stream, this does in no way negatively impact the quality of the recycling stream," says François de Bie, Chairman of European Bioplastics. "Remaining amounts are easier to handle than other residual wastes in the polyethylene (PE) stream such as polystyrene, or polypropylene."

This was proven up to a share of 10 percent compostable plastics in the recycling stream by independent studies of the Institute for Bioplastics and Biocomposites (University of Applied Arts and Sciences Hannover), the Italian National Packaging Consortium (CONAI) and the company BIOTEC.

Meta-study: "The behaviour of bioplastic films in mechanical recycling streams"

European Bioplastics is an association representing the interests of the bioplastics industry in Europe along the complete value chain. More information is available at

Press contact:

Kristy-Barbara Lange, Head of Communications, European Bioplastics,
Marienstr. 19/20, 10117 Berlin, Tel: +49 (0) 30 28482 356,
Fax: +49 (0)30 284 82 359,


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