Press release

Heidelberg looks back on record 2000/2001 fiscal year / Prospects for the current fiscal year - last year's high figures set to be repeated, despite uncertain global economy


Heidelberg (ots) -

At the Annual General Meeting of Heidelberger
Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg), held in the Stadthalle Heidelberg,
Chairman of the Management Board Bernhard Schreier looked back over
the most successful fiscal year (April 1, 2000 through March 31,
2001) in the company's history. The milestones during the year
included the opening of the Print Media Academy in Heidelberg, the
drupa trade fair in Dusseldorf and the successful move into digital
The company succeeded in further extending its leading position in
the graphic arts industry. The Heidelberg Group achieved record
results in fiscal 2000/2001. Sales rose by more than 15% to Euro 5.3
billion (previous year: Euro 4.6 billion).  Orders received also
exhibited pleasing growth in all divisions, standing at around Euro
5.5 billion. This is 18% up on the comparable figure for the highly
successful previous year (just under Euro 4.7 billion).
The operating profit rose by around 10% from Euro 463 million to
Euro 506 million. The Heidelberg Group's profit for the year
increased from Euro 251 million to Euro 283 million after adjustment
and, after accounting for special items, totaled Euro 342 million.
In his forecast for the progress of the current 2001/2002 fiscal
year, Mr. Schreier pointed out the effects of diminishing global
economic growth for the graphic arts industry. "After an anticipated
3 percent at the start of the year, the global economy will grow by
less than 2% in 2001". This is something that will impact on order
books throughout the industry.
In the first quarter (April 1 through June 30) of the fiscal year,
the company increased its sales by around 8% to Euro 1.1 billion,
compared to a figure of Euro 997 million in the same period last
year. The operating profit over the period under review rose by just
under 22% to Euro 45 million. For the first time ever, Heidelberg
also benefited from the tax reform. This resulted in a significant
increase in profits after tax from Euro 21 million to Euro 29
Over the next few months, Mr. Schreier anticipates that overseas
sales will drop noticeably as a result of the situation in the USA.
"In the second half of the year (October 1, 2001 through March 31,
2002), there will be a fall in the volume of orders received", he
Nevertheless, the company is aiming to maintain its sales and
operating result for the 2001/2002 fiscal year as a whole at the same
high level as last year. "Of course, we cannot exclude the
possibility that, if our customers' investment plans become more
uncertain, we may not be able to quite equal last year's figures,
despite our cost-cutting measures", said Mr. Schreier.
All in all, Heidelberg is looking to maintain its profits after
tax and thus the profit per share at last year's high level.
Mr. Schreier again highlighted the fact that the company is
well-equipped for the future. This can be seen from the successes at
the international graphic arts industry's trade fair, Print, held in
Chicago at the start of September. Heidelberg received orders there
worth USD 345 million, of which more than 50% were in the
Sheetfed Division. The sales launch of the NexPress 2100, the new
digital color press from the joint venture with Kodak, was also very
successful. More than 70 machines were sold in Chicago.
Editors: The results of the voting at the Annual General Meeting
will be made available after the event.
ots Original Text Service: Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG
Further information:
Thomas Fichtl
Corporate Communications
Tel. +49-6221 - 92 47 47
Fax: +49-6221 - 92 50 69
Heidelberger Druckmaschinen
Corporate Communications
Kurfuersten-Anlage 52 - 60
69115 Heidelberg
Phone +49-62 21-92 50 60
Fax   +49-62 21-92-5069


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