Press release

Wirecard delivers on the future of retail with a digitized in-store shopping experience


Aschheim (Munich) (ots) -

- The 360° Retail Experience meets the demand of modern shoppers who expect more tech to enhance
  their in-store experience
- Shoppers can personalize items, share on social media, explore products, and checkout via an
  interactive screen

Wirecard, the global innovation leader for digital financial technology, continues to push the boundaries of the customer experience in retail with the new 360° Retail Experience, a prototype of an interactive in-store screen with integrated payment technology. Wirecard's Innovation Lab has introduced the retail solution to meet the demands of modern shoppers: A recent Wirecard-commissioned global survey found that a majority of shoppers are ready and waiting for retailers to implement innovative payment methods and in-store technologies to enhance their shopping experience.

The 360° Retail Experience is a multi-touch screen equipped with capacitive object recognition: the shopper can take an item from the store, for example a sneaker, place it on the screen, and be presented with various features including hyper-personalization, social media sharing, and instant checkout. The screen combines the digital must-have that today's consumers seek, with an entirely in-store experience that brick and mortar retailers benefit from. The possibility to checkout via app or mobile site, which can be tailored to the retailers' preference, and then have the item delivered to a preferred location, gives shoppers a unified commerce experience: a fully digital online checkout carried out in-store, where the shopper can touch and feel the product before buying it.

"Shoppers want more cutting-edge tech, and retailers want to delight shoppers while bringing them back into stores," commented Jörn Leogrande, EVP Wirecard Labs, "The 360° Retail Experience delivers on both of these needs: customers can see products in person, while enjoying all the benefits technology brings to the retail experience including a quick, fully digital checkout. We see the 360° Retail Experience and similar solutions becoming widespread in the very near future, and we are excited to be at the forefront of this customer experience revolution."

About Wirecard:

Wirecard (GER:WDI) is one of the world's fastest growing digital platforms in the area of financial commerce. We provide both business customers and consumers with a constantly expanding ecosystem of real-time value-added services built around innovative digital payments by using an integrated B2B2C approach. This ecosystem concentrates on the areas payment & risk, retail & transaction banking, loyalty & couponing, data analytics & conversion rate enhancement in all sales channels (online, mobile, ePOS). Wirecard operates regulated financial institutions in several key markets and holds issuing and acquiring licenses from all major payment and card networks. Wirecard AG is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange (DAX and TecDAX, ISIN DE0007472060). Visit us on

Wirecard media contact:

Wirecard AG
Jana Tilz
Tel.: +49 (0) 89 4424 1363


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