Press release

euro adhoc: InfoGenie Europe AG / Capital increase/ Board position changes InfoGenie Europe AG plans capital increase by integrating Wire Card AG and making changes to the Management Board (E)

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Berlin, September 27, 2004  - The Supervisory Board of InfoGenie
Europe AG, listed in the Prime Standard segment of the German Stock
Exchange (WKN 747 206), has announced that ebs Holding AG plans to
contribute all shares of its wholly owned subsidiary Wire Card AG to
InfoGenie Europe AG. Wire Card AG represents with planed revenues in
2004 of more than EUR 40 millions the organization’s key operating
unit. This measure is intended to conclude the strategic expansion
for E-Payment services of InfoGenie Europe AG initiated with the
contribution of Click2Pay GmbH in October 2003. InfoGenie Europe AG
is now focusing on intensifying the pace of its speedy extension to
become the leading services and technology provider on the European
market for electronic payment processing and risk management, and on
extending its call center activities by integrating the stationary
Wire Card subsidiary United Data GmbH, Leipzig, within the scope of
its range of services.
The Board of Management is in the process of determining the
contribution value of the capital increase in the form of a non-cash
capital contribution by Wire Card AG and its subsidiaries United Data
GmbH, United Payment GmbH und AWITO GmbH to InfoGenie Europe AG. In
accordance with the statutory requirements, a subsequent check is to
be made by an appraiser appointed by the registration court.
At an extraordinary general meeting scheduled for December 2004, the
planned capital increase by a non-cash capital contribution against
shares subject to the exclusion of subscription rights is to be
submitted to the shareholders for approval. The effective execution
of this contribution is to be concluded in the first semester of
In addition, the Supervisory Board has announced changes to the
company’s Board of Management in view of the measure that has been
adopted. The retirement of past Board member Jochen Hochrein and the
termination of his tenure as such has been amicably agreed effective
as of September 30, 2004. Mr. Hochrein will serve the company as
consultant also in the future. From October 1, 2004, the Supervisory
Board has appointed Dr. Markus Braun (35) as Chief Executive Officer
(CEO) and Dr. Herbert Bäsch (44) as Chief Financial Officer (CFO).
end of announcement        euro adhoc 27.09.2004

Further inquiry note:

Iris Stöckl
+49(0)89 4424 2034

Branche: Telecommunications Services
ISIN: DE0007472060
WKN: 747206
Index: CDAX, Prime All Share, Prime Standard, Technologie All Share
Börsen: Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse / regulated dealing
Niedersächsische Börse zu Hannover / free trade
Berliner Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Bayerische Börse / free trade
Hamburger Wertpapierbörse / free trade
Börse Düsseldorf / free trade
Baden-Württembergische Wertpapierbörse / free trade


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