Stories from [Hamburg]
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Presse Release: Aurubis Bulgaria receives Copper Mark distinction
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Press release: EU clears Aurubis and TSR joint venture
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Monthly Motivation: Why we believe in a better world
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Press release: "FOCUS Sustainability": Aurubis releases extensive Sustainability Report
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BLOGPOST: Monthly motivation: The power of confidence
Hapag-Lloyd acquires Africa specialist NileDutch
more'Mighty oaks grow from little acorns' / Varengold Bank publishes its first sustainability report
Hamburg (ots) - Varengold Bank, a leading financer of European fintechs with its focus on online lending market places, has published its first sustainability report. This can be downloaded at The report has been produced voluntarily by an interdisciplinary team of Varengold employees and once again underlines ...
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BLOGPOST: Monthly motivation: How we deceive ourselves
more JOM Group wins ROSSMANN’s German performance account
Hamburg (ots) - The Hamburg-based JOM Group, agency for hybrid marketing communication, is pleased to announce another new client for the beginning of the year: Dirk ROSSMANN GmbH. The media experts at JOM have been responsible for the performance marketing budget of the German pharmacy chain since the beginning of the year. The team headed by JOM Managing Director Henning Ehlert won through in an extensive multi-stage ...
morePress release: Safe sea transport of liquefied gas thanks to further development of the SAACKE GCU evo for LNG tankers and bunker vessels
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BLOGPOST: Monthly motivation: Happy serenity
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BLOGPOST #RoadToTokyo: Mareike Miller about the honor to become the German Para-Team of the Decade
more German advertising market to grow significantly in the coming year and compensate for losses in 2020
Hamburg (ots) - JOM Group's annual growth projection sees the advertising market in Germany in 2021 growing by between 3.5% and 6.0%. Experts from the JOM Group, an agency for hybrid marketing communication, are forecasting a distinct increase in advertising investment for 2021. The agency's annual forecast is based on two different scenarios predicting the further ...
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BLOGPOST: Monthly motivation: Finding happiness in misfortune
more Partner Program: Government agencies collaborate with Europe's leading B2B-platform provider Visable in promoting SME's exports
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BLOGPOST: Monthly motivation: On minimizing unhappiness
more Academic Society for Health Advice
Academic Society for Health Advice presents the "talking waste" / PACCOR gives plastic packaging a digital identity / Visually imperceptible barcode helps sort all kinds of plastics
Hamburg (ots) - As part of an environmentally friendly recycling system, PACCOR, the leading international player in the packaging industry, has introduced plastic packaging solutions with digital identity provided by Digimarc Corporation (NASDAQ: DMRC). This innovation enables the correct identification of each ...
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Press Release: General tankhouse overhaul: Aurubis invests EUR 60 million in the Lünen recycling site
One documentmore Fashion brand TOM TAILOR lays foundations for further enhancing its successful positioning in the casual lifestyle segment
Hamburg (ots) - - Tom Tailor GmbH (TOM TAILOR) retains its long-term strategic investor with extensive industry experience following its complete takeover by Fosun International Limited - Based on the milestones it has already achieved, TOM TAILOR ...
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Press release: Continuity even in difficult times: Aurubis brings more apprentices on board than last year
One documentmore dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
dpa announces new line-up for its supervisory board
moredpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
2The numbers for 2019 are in: dpa group remains on course for growth, increases revenue to more than 140 million euros for the first time
morePress Release: Aurubis continues to successfully make its way through the coronavirus crisis
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TOM TAILOR fashion brand secures guarantee commitment for additional financing of EUR 100 million
Hamburg (ots) - - Future of the TOM TAILOR fashion brand with its approx. 3,400 employees safeguarded through agreement in principle on additional long-term financing with a EUR 100 million government guarantee - Existing financing to be extended ...
One documentmoreWirecard and Varengold Bank cooperate to provide financing and market-leading payment solutions to FinTech firms
Hamburg / Aschheim (Munich) (ots) - - FinTech customers to benefit from powerful combination of access to capital with comprehensive lending and card payment solutions - Wirecard and Varengold enhance each other's offerings to better serve FinTechs and generate more business opportunities Wirecard, the global ...
moreFielmann Family donates 3 million protective masks to German federal states / Private donation to the federal state governments of Brandenburg, Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein
Hamburg (ots) - Fielmann has acted early and decidedly, as the coronavirus pandemic spread across Europe. On the basis of a scientific study by Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Martin Exner (University Hospital Bonn), the company has defined hygiene standards that counter the infection risks of COVID-19. According to these ...
moreFielmann defines Hygiene Standards for Optical and Hearing Aid Retail
Hamburg (ots) - Scientific study by Prof. Dr. Martin Exner shows how to safeguard health in retail environment As a responsible family business, Fielmann acted early and decidedly, as the coronavirus spread across Europe. Already in February 2020, we implemented a series of hygiene and infection prevention measures in order to protect the health of our customers and employees. Since 20 March 2020, we have discontinued our ...
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Fielmann starts producing protective glasses
more Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH
HAMBURG PORT ANNIVERSARY / The Biggest Harbour Festival in the World with a Top-Notch Programme