Stories from Berlin /

  • 11.06.2024 – 13:00

    Germany Trade & Invest

    Germany Leads Europe, Second in World in EV Production

    Berlin (ots) - The German automotive industry association VDA says that 995,000 purely electric vehicles rolled off German assembly lines in 2023. All told, some 1.27 million purely electric (BEV) and hybrid (PHEV) vehicles were made in Germany in 2023, the second highest number in the world behind China. China dominates global EV production, but the vast majority of its cars are sold domestically. By contrast 76 percent ...

  • 07.06.2024 – 12:42

    Schertz Bergmann Rechtsanwälte

    PRESSRELEASE Alexander Zverev

    Berlin (ots) - As lawyers for Alexander Zverev, we declare on behalf of our client that the criminal proceedings under file number 250 Cs 184/23 have been dropped: The criminal proceedings against Alexander Zverev were dropped and the case was terminated today by the court with the consent of the public prosecutor's office, Ms. Brenda Patea as joint plaintiff and Alexander Zverev's defence lawyer. The penalty order is now groundless. Alexander Zverev has agreed to this ...

  • 06.06.2024 – 15:46

    Germany Trade & Invest

    Germany Sets Quarterly Record for Renewable Energy Generation

    Berlin (ots) - European largest economy generated and fed into the national grid 121.5 billion kilowatt hours of electricity in the first quarter of 2024. Renewables accounted for 58.4 percent of all electricity produced in Germany in the first three months of this year. That is more than for any quarter since statistics of this sort began to be collected in 2018. The 121.5 billion kilowatt hours represented an annual ...

  • 27.05.2024 – 20:30

    ARD Presse

    CIVIS Media Prize 2024 | eight programmes honoured

    Berlin (ots) - The winners of the European CIVIS Media Prize for Integration and Cultural Diversity 2024 have been announced: The main prize of 15,000 euros, the CIVIS TOP AWARD, goes to the social media format STRG_F: Israel and Gaza: Life between terror and war (NDR | funk) by authors Manuel Biallas, Armin Ghassim, Lisa Hagen, Mariam Noori, Timo Robben, Sulaiman Tadmory. The film depicts the fate of two young people ...

  • 14.05.2024 – 14:10

    Germany Trade & Invest

    Germany Records Big Rise in Foreign Direct Investment in 2023

    Berlin (ots) - The volume of international business expansions to and in Europe’s largest economy increased by over 37 percent last year. Germany attracted 34.8 billion euros worth of international business projects in 2023 – that’s the result of Germany Trade & Invest’s (GTAI) annual FDI study. The figure includes both greenfields and expansions. It does not include any mergers or acquisitions. The comparable ...