dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
Stories from Berlin/
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KPMG in Germany & German American Chambers of Commerce
82 percent of German companies in the US plan investments in 2021 / Survey of KPMG in Germany and the German American Chambers of Commerce
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Lingoda celebrates language learning as a life-changing experience with My Lingoda. My Success.
more Golden Hearts Never Die Collection LTD.
Even before the real BREXIT: The BREXIT song is here
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Tourism via video call - Live Tours enable enjoyment of the world, during the pandemic and beyond
more Vodafone Institut für Gesellschaft und Kommunikation GmbH
F-LANE: Accelerating Female Empowerment globally in times of Covid-19 / Nine start-ups graduate from the first virtual edition of the Vodafone Institutes accelerator programme for female empowerment
Berlin (ots) - - A record number of 455 start-ups from 84 countries worldwide applied for the Vodafone Institute's global F-LANE Accelerator programme - 9 women-led social ventures from 8 countries were selected, resulting in a highly diverse cohort while doubling the number of participating startups: - Successful ...
BDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
With respect to the forthcoming G20 summit, BDI President Dieter Kempf says: "German industry's expectations from the G20 summit are moderate."
Berlin (ots) - - "German industry's expectations from the G20 summit are moderate. Since the inauguration of U.S. President Donald Trump, the G20 has been more concerned with damage control, obstructionism and national egoism than with solving global problems. Opportunities for a vital multilateral restart and ...
moredpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
The dpa's English Service to be restructured
Berlin (ots) - The Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa) is restructuring its English Service. For dpa international this means that, in future, it will not only offer coverage from its own reporters, but will also increasingly include content from partners who share the dpa's quality standards. For several years now, clients have had the option of receiving additional content from the Tribune News Service that includes news and ...
moreBioplastics successfully meet all EU safety standards
Berlin (ots) - Products made from bio-based plastics must undergo the same testing procedures as conventional plastic products to access the market of the European Union (EU). Thereby a health risk for consumers is excluded. Plastics intended to be certified as biodegradable or compostable require additional tests. "Products made of bioplastics thus pass even more tests than conventional plastic products," explains Hasso ...
moreVodafone Institut für Gesellschaft und Kommunikation GmbH
Climate change: Majority in the EU sees digitisation as part of the solution
Berlin (ots) - - Vodafone Institute's poll "Digitising Europe Pulse": More than half (54%) of the Europeans state that digital technology can play a big role to solve the problems of climate change. - 65% say that tackling climate change is an overarching issue for citizens, politics and businesses. - 72% are willing to bear higher costs if necessary. - Big majority ...
moredpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
3dpa photographer Anas Alkharboutli wins award for "The War in Syria" series
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Lingoda announces the Lingoda Team Challenge: the future of online language learning
Albert Schweitzer Stiftung für unsere Mitwelt
Subway president Mike Kehoe can become a hero
moreBDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
BDI statement on the final debate in parliament on a British Internal Market Bill: "Another piece of bad news for companies on both sides of the English Channel"
Berlin (ots) - With respect to the final debate in parliament on a British Internal Market Bill, BDI Director General Joachim Lang says: "Another piece of bad news for companies on both sides of the English Channel" - "The Internal Market Bill is another piece of bad news for companies on both sides of the English ...
moreBVR Bundesverband der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken
Uniting Europe digitally: 50 years of arts support from 'jugend creativ' celebrated during gala event / Patron Iris Berben: "The youth competition is a shining example of corporate citizenship"
Berlin (ots) - The local cooperative banks' international youth competition, 'jugend creativ', has been motivating children and young people across Europe to explore social issues through creativity for half a century. Since the first competition was held in 1970, a total of 90 million international entries have ...
moreBDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
BDI on the British Internal Market Bill: "Government losing credibility on a huge scale"
Berlin (ots) - With reference to the parliamentary introduction of the British Internal Market Bill, BDI Director General Joachim Lang says: "The British government is losing credibility on a huge scale." - "With its current course, the British government is losing credibility on a huge scale in the post-Brexit negotiations. There is no getting around the fact that the ...
moreDIW study: nine major European cities will be missing around 1.2 million flats by 2030 - gap between supply and demand the greatest in London
moreDaily Preview Day 3 - IFA 2020 Special Edition
Daily Recap Day 2 - IFA 2020 Special Edition
moreDaily Preview Day 2 - IFA 2020 Special Edition
Berlin (ots) - Get ready for the second day of IFA 2020 Special Edition, September 4! Again, we present global brands, innovative products, insights and more to a global audience. We provide an overview of the programs of IFA Global Press Conference, IFA SHIFT Convention and IFA Innovation Engine, so that you won't miss any news. IFA Global Press Conference Media representatives can experience the latest products and ...
moreDaily Recap Day 1 - IFA 2020 Special Edition
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IFA 2020 Special Edition - For the first time since the start of the Corona crisis, a global leading trade fair for consumer electronics will be opening its doors
more Daily Preview Day 1 - IFA 2020 Special Edition
moreKORSCH Introduces Next-Generation Mid-Range Tablet Press
Vodafone Institut für Gesellschaft und Kommunikation GmbH
Vodafone Institut: Empowering women worldwide with technology - The F-LANE social ventures accelerator kicks-off its 2020 programme with 10 high-potential teams
Berlin (ots) - - A record number of 455 start-ups from 84 countries worldwide applied for the Vodafone Institute's global F-LANE accelerator programme - Social business models range from services for financially excluded rural women, women's health, mobility services up to programs for fair wages - Founder teams ...
moreBVR Bundesverband der Deutschen Volksbanken und Raiffeisenbanken
50 years of 'jugend creativ' - 50 years of commitment to creative brilliance: International gala event and awards ceremony live streamed from Berlin
Berlin (ots) - The international youth competition 'jugend creativ', an initiative of cooperative banks from seven European countries, is celebrating its 50th anniversary. With more than 90 million participants to date, it is not only the world's biggest creativity competition for young people but also the ...
moreBDI Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie
BDI on the conclusion of the Brexit round of talks: "A collapse in the negotiations on a partnership agreement is now all but inevitable"
Berlin (ots) - Following the conclusion of the sixth round of Brexit talks, BDI Director General Joachim Lang said: "A collapse in the negotiations on a partnership agreement is now all but inevitable." - "The sixth round of Brexit negotiations was more than a disappointment for the German economy. On key points, ...
moreOpenSynergy Collaborates with Google and Qualcomm on Virtualizing Android Automotive OS
Berlin (ots) - OpenSynergy, today announced its yearlong collaboration with Google and Qualcomm on a reference platform with a virtualized Android Automotive OS instance running on top of OpenSynergy's COQOS Hypervisor SDK and Qualcomm's Snapdragon SA8155 automotive System on Chip (SoC). Google has announced collaborations with several vehicle manufacturers to power ...
moreSwapfiets is expanding in Europe /Bicycle membership brand plans expansion to London, Milan and Paris
moreVDA - Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V.
Concept for new IAA 2021 presented by VDA President Müller, Messe München CEO Dittrich, Bavarian Minister-President Söder and Lord Mayor of Munich Reiter
Berlin/Munich (ots) - The mobility and technology sectors will meet for the first IAA in Munichfrom September 7 to 12, 2021. A new venue and a new concept: the IAA 2021 will become an exhibition, a forward-looking mobilityplatformand a dialog forum all at the same time. Thenew IAA isa triad: The Summit onthe trade ...